New Grower TheMongol: Real Strange Grow Matters

Hello everybody and everyone,

first, I´m very thankfull to @budelee :thanks: he helped me to switch my original thread from the " Infirmary for sick plants " here to " NGA " and also title chainged from " Need help, got problems with my grow" into the actual....also very special thanks to my first-class-buddi here on board @NugNoob :bump: he was really close to me and my problems a had in the past...

Everybody here should know his first-time-grow of AK-47 and the research he did for it.....:d5:he´s going to be a vast grower.-)

About Me:

I´m an oldschool-grower from the photosensitive period when feminised seeds just started, I stopped growing a couple of years ago for family-formation and the result is my beautiful wife and our perkie son.....I´m located to central europe, for everybody who had just the possibility to join a excellence brewed bavarian beer.:cheers:...I´m not so far away from Oktoberfest/Wiesn.... is here any grower from "Krautsland" ?
About 2 years ago I got bothered and my wife encouraged me to pick up my old green I took time to get back in the market, did some online-reasearch, contacted old green friendships again and i was really wondering about this AUTOMATIC-STUFF, i couldn´t believe and really quickly i was fixed on to try it.....started last summer doing Automazars/DP in pots and also in cornfields outdoor, they did it pretty nice and i was immediately addicted, started planning my indoor--growroom, ordered tehnical stuff or got it in the bauhaus and took only 1 week to build it by myself, well a friend heldped me, started with TB/DP and immediately got massive Calmag-problems, but could fix it.... and now we are here

Maybe also some older friends will join in @Chester, @stepside, @dafthandler, kk

So, if you´re joining in here PLZ start at page 1, so you get involved with my growroom-setup and the problems I had with it in the past and how it developed to resart here.....

Well, last Friday I presented " My Little Pincess" :dancer:, she´s really on speedrocket-launch she´again
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Sorry for poor pictures quality, I was shaking a little bit of timestress
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I also announced to present her bigger brother, I baptized him " Big Boy " (BB) , its a AM, now at 89 cm...
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Last CBD remained in the garden, I planted her for my wife, because of headaches, musclescramps etc. just womenstuff
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So far, family is coming home, will turn back later.....hope u enjoy
Today week 9 starts....

The garden, pictures taken with flash 1 min. before lights turnd´s getting thight in there....left side under Viparspectra...
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Right side under Platinum...
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AM I. in normal 14Literpot...
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Sorry for poor quality of time will take them after:hookah:

Today feeded 5 plants....." Big Boy" in 20-liter-airpot wants 5 liter of nutes EVERY DAY...I´m looking hard on ec/ppm not to overfeed the girls....:coffee:
So much green, your experience from your photo days shines through on these autos. Excellent work man, hope I can learn to grow like this!
So much green, your experience from your photo days shines through on these autos. Excellent work man, hope I can learn to grow like this!
You´ll do it.-) You have many supporters in your thread...listen to thumb...:frog:
Alright,if you need anything just tag me.. Lemme see who else needs help :superhero:Excelsior !!
Alright,if you need anything just tag me.. Lemme see who else needs help :superhero:Excelsior !!

I´m so sad that Waira passed out of my thread, you as Staff-Member will know him, his advises really helped to change the grow, i think maybe he is to you all of Staff-Members....or he was just borthered of my problems i got...what do you think about my ph-situation, i mean ...plants look heahtly...and returned into flowering....and also in swell mode...really stinkers ....mostly AM´s......

I´m so sad that Waira passed out of my thread, you as Staff-Member will know him, his advises really helped to change the grow, i think maybe he is to you all of Staff-Members....or he was just borthered of my problems i got...what do you think about my ph-situation, i mean ...plants look heahtly...and returned into flowering....and also in swell mode...really stinkers ....mostly AM´s......
I didnt back read the whole journal.. But Auto Mazzars are hard to kill,i binned one and it grew outta the trash can.. I saw the garbage dude put it in the front of the truck and made his partner walk... Bwahahaa,,kidding on that one.. But DP is impossible to kill.. Give me the cliff notes