Indoor The wilma grows

Really disappointed I was not subbed into this somehow. I'm sorry sanguine bud! I'm all caught up now and wow bro. I'm speechless. Those are some real monsters man! Those cheese are huge! Seeing things like that and @Wile e Peyote drip grow make me want to invest in some autopots. All I'm seeing is monsters from these type of set ups. I really need to give one a try. Even if I do just a single one to start with to get the hang of it.
Anyways you deserve this my friend:slap: I'm subbed in now and here for the remainder of the grow! Great stuff. Can't wait to see flowering. ...going to b just crazy in there man.
Hey sang.

Kudos for the monsters.

Can you let me know what your future beans are? That way I could avoid being shown up in the wilma department by growing something completely different!

@Itisi i dont know what it is about that tent. But its 2 huge grows in a row for it. But the other wilma i have in a grow room doesnt seem to be doing anywhere near as good!
Exact same nute schedule, feed timings, temp and light. Only difference is ones in a 4x4 tent that has a 4 inch intake fan going as well.
Difference in airflow maybe?
Well its only day 22 for the white widow i hope they can catch up- or something will have to change
@Itisi i dont know what it is about that tent. But its 2 huge grows in a row for it. But the other wilma i have in a grow room doesnt seem to be doing anywhere near as good!
Exact same nute schedule, feed timings, temp and light. Only difference is ones in a 4x4 tent that has a 4 inch intake fan going as well.
Difference in airflow maybe?
Well its only day 22 for the white widow i hope they can catch up- or something will have to change
Hey Sang,i noticed a difference in growth rate when i went from passive to 4" fan intake.Thinking of adding another.
@Itisi i dont know what it is about that tent. But its 2 huge grows in a row for it. But the other wilma i have in a grow room doesnt seem to be doing anywhere near as good!
Exact same nute schedule, feed timings, temp and light. Only difference is ones in a 4x4 tent that has a 4 inch intake fan going as well.
Difference in airflow maybe?
Well its only day 22 for the white widow i hope they can catch up- or something will have to change
It reminds me of an old pal of mine.

Some years back he had 2 rooms, a basement and a loft.

The loft grow was always more vigorous, always really green and always really bushy.

We had theory's ranging from the pyramid roof shape imparting special powers to the extra 25 feet of altitude causing something.

A couple of years past and he called me round in a professional capacity, his back boiler had packed up. After repairing it, it's standard practise to test the chimney with a smoke pellet. I put the pellet in the bottom of the chimney but no smoke appeared at the top! Further investigation found a Fucking great hole in the chimney that discharged into the loft! We assumed the plants loved the hot, moist, Co and CO2 loaded fumes!

No, I'm not touting for business!

ok was off to a slow start but here they are on day 7
bloody skunk



tomorrow ill up the feed to 6.5ml micro 8.5ml grow 2ml bloom per 10 litres of water
feeds currently running at 15minutes 4 times per day
I'll keep the updates more frequent from here on now were up and running, cheers for looking in dudes

im in trouble if thats how big yours are at 7 days lol