Indoor The wilma grows

I couldnt bear to throw away 2 perfectly good seedlings (the spare bubba kush and northern lights) so i had a rummage around in the gardening shed.

Found fuck all really! But managed to scrape together this


Couple of 6 or 8 litre pots not sure on size.
Washed some left over clay pebbles and them one third up.

Then mixed in some soil i dug up from my own garden in the summer- wasnt much!

Then i found this bag- dont know what the fuck it is. Seems like a peat free soil/coco mix. Says on the bag enough nutes to feed seedlings for 4 week?

Mixed it in with some mycos and diatomeacoeaadus earth- or whatever its called.

Still couldnt fill those small pots so mixed in a few litres of perlite.

Then jammed them in between the wilma pots. If they grow at all its a bonus. Be a miracle if they do with all that ramdom shit threw in a pot.
If they dont make it- no big deal they were going to be tossed anyway!
Well its been completely dry in a bag for about 6 months. But theres still a chance i suppose. Hopefully the de and some sm90 help control/prevent any trouble!
Should of microwaved the bastard that would of killed off everything [emoji23][emoji23]

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Look peeps just throwing this out there (I'm pissed) let's have a grow off autos me, Sangers Itisi and vladders all agree on a auto then just go for it come on who's the fuck up for this [emoji16]

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk
Look peeps just throwing this out there (I'm pissed) let's have a grow off autos me, Sangers Itisi and vladders all agree on a auto then just go for it come on who's the fuck up for this [emoji16]

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When? Mine are started already... deffo up for it, but it could be tricky time-wise.