Yes, I think so too. It was damaged a little by cats probably during the night, and then the following day was really hot and it got burned.
I guess the only way to know if it has stunted her growth much, is to see how tall she gets!
The other plants I had growing indoors for 2 to 3 weeks, but I think I moved the older Think Different out to full soil too late and this caused her to stay small. She was growing really well in her pot on the south facing window sill.
That is why I didn't want to take that risk again. I acclimatised the new one to outside for a couple of days too, and she was really happy in her pot outside. She was out in hot weather, but never saw her slouching or stressing. I even let her outside for 2 nights before planting her in full soil, just to see how she reacted. But I think she got burned because she got a little damaged by the cats and then could not take up enough water to hydrate in the hot weather because of that damage. This incident was 2 days ago, and luckily yesterday and today are cool with clouds and rain this last night and this morning, so she can recover. I will see how she reacts to the sun when it starts shining again.
Cats! Back in the day, I have a big planter full of seedlings.
Maybe 10-15 nice young plants almost a month old.
Was going to plant out in the forest... until... my cat went to sleep on them...........
Then my papa pulled them........ from bad to worse.......

Could maybe set up a mini shade cloth over them for a bit, while they're still small.
Just over the top, to block midday heat, but let sun in from the sides morning and evening.
I'm sure they'll be okay.
Secret is... plant more seeds, grow more plants,
and if you lose a few, it's not a big problem, haha.