Outdoor The trails and tribulations of a first time grower [journal]

Hi all, and here we are with the news! 1 week and 5 days ago, I germinated a new think different seed. The reasoning was that because the first one, which is now in bloom, is rather on the small side (48cm and not growing anymore), and I wanted to try and grow one which would grow bigger in 4 weeks before this variety starts blooming. I think it stayed small because of a variety of factors: a stretch of cloudy days when she was growing, a couple of days too long in a small 1,5l pot and maybe some transplant stress. I have the feeling these high yield + ready in 10 to 12 weeks autoflowers are particularly susceptible to any stress when they are growing, but that on a side note.
Anyways, the day before yesterday, after 1 week and 4 days, I transplanted her to the garden using the pot in pot method. I transplanted her at this young age because I didn't want her to stay in the pot and again risk restricting her growth. Also, the weather here now is really good for growing. Warm nights (18°C +) and days full of sunshine with 24° and more. Because I noticed the plant being a little small after germinating, and because of her age, I build a little cage around her with chicken wire and copper to keep the snails away. Then yesterday morning before the school run, I noticed something had dug a little inside the cage and the plant was laying sideways and I think she was dug out of the ground a little. I tried to push her back in a little and made sure she was still in the ground. It was a particularly hot day and when I came home at noon, I went to check and noticed 2 of her leaves were curled up and were crispy to the point that when I touched one, almost half of the leaf fell off. I think it she suffered from heat stress because her roots were probably a little damaged from the nights disturbance. I immediately watered her and made sure she was planted well into the ground. At night she was already perking up, but the damaged leaves (she is making her 3rd set now) will stay damaged. Luckily, today was overcast and cooler, so she got some rest.
So, what do you think? Is it game over for my hopes of growing a 60 to 100cm plant? Will the stress at this young age be too much for her?

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Some more pictures of yesterday. First 2 are the auto frisian dew at 6 weeks and 6 days. No sign of flowers yet, she is slowwwww. 88cm high yesterday.
She gets 3ml of biobizz fish mix until she stops growing or I see flowers, then I will start the biobizz bloom. Don't want to stop her growing.
Last picture is of the think different at 8 weeks and 1 day. She is 48cm, has stopped growing and is in full on bloom. She is getting 3ml fish mix, 4ml of bloom and 4ml of top max as of the day before yesterday.

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Looks good to me! [emoji106]
Although keep in mind, the only thing i've ever grown outdoors are sunflowers and strawberries ... and typically they get eaten by slugs ... so not very successful :rofl:
Put some copper around them. The think different also had a lot of leaves eaten by snails, but as soon as I put copper around the base, it stopped. The frisian dew doesn't have a single leaf that's eaten because I put the copper around her from the beginning.
And I grow in a sense garden where last week I took at least 10 snails out of my salad that was growing not 20cm from my cannabis.
What do you think about the little seedling's damage? Any experience with that?

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Put some copper around them. The think different also had a lot of leaves eaten by snails, but as soon as I put copper around the base, it stopped. The frisian dew doesn't have a single leaf that's eaten because I put the copper around her from the beginning.
And I grow in a sense garden where last week I took at least 10 snails out of my salad that was growing not 20cm from my cannabis.
What do you think about the little seedling's damage? Any experience with that?

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It's 12 days old - so not looking too "terrible" lol ... It could be soil PH perhaps?
Have the leaves been resting on wet ground after getting rained on?

I'm really not the best person to guess at this outdoor stuff!

If you can get an accurate 8 soil probe, i've heard they're pretty good. Waira and aunty mossy use one.
Hey Ken. The older ones are doing well.
A short plant can get pretty thick, so keep hoping!
As for the small one, prob too hot for a little plant.
Most people (myself included) give them at least 2-3 weeks inside
before moving them out under the sun.
And then, slowly getting them used to the full sunlight and heat.
But most plants get used to it fairly quickly.
Then take off under all those luscious lumens!
Hey Ken. The older ones are doing well.
A short plant can get pretty thick, so keep hoping!
As for the small one, prob too hot for a little plant.
Most people (myself included) give them at least 2-3 weeks inside
before moving them out under the sun.
And then, slowly getting them used to the full sunlight and heat.
But most plants get used to it fairly quickly.
Then take off under all those luscious lumens!
Yes, I think so too. It was damaged a little by cats probably during the night, and then the following day was really hot and it got burned.
I guess the only way to know if it has stunted her growth much, is to see how tall she gets!
The other plants I had growing indoors for 2 to 3 weeks, but I think I moved the older Think Different out to full soil too late and this caused her to stay small. She was growing really well in her pot on the south facing window sill.
That is why I didn't want to take that risk again. I acclimatised the new one to outside for a couple of days too, and she was really happy in her pot outside. She was out in hot weather, but never saw her slouching or stressing. I even let her outside for 2 nights before planting her in full soil, just to see how she reacted. But I think she got burned because she got a little damaged by the cats and then could not take up enough water to hydrate in the hot weather because of that damage. This incident was 2 days ago, and luckily yesterday and today are cool with clouds and rain this last night and this morning, so she can recover. I will see how she reacts to the sun when it starts shining again.
2 more pictures of the think different from just now, after the rains. Very pleased with her appearance and the many many budsites that are flowering. Her whole stem is one big colla from top to bottom. I only wish she was 40cm taller...

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