Outdoor The trails and tribulations of a first time grower [journal]

Looking good bro, great to see the girls out there loving life in the sun. Have used all the Bio Bizz products in the past except for Top Max and Fish Mix so not much help there lol, @hairyman rocks the Fish Mix with great results so he might have a few pointers for you. For the Bloom i add it when the pistils are starting to form in little clusters and not just the odd hair here and there, usually about this time the first sparklings of frost are starting to appear on the calyxes the first pistils popped from and less so on the clusters of flowers. The NPK on the Bloom is 2-7-4 so nice and low in N (Nitrogen) which you want in flower but lacking a bit in K (Potassium) that will be needed, the Bloom is supposed to be used alongside the Grow with a NPK of 4-3-6 to offset this, you may be ok with the other amendments you have added but will be worth keeping a eye out for K deficency as she slips into flower and be ready to get on top of it.
Looking good bro, great to see the girls out there loving life in the sun. Have used all the Bio Bizz products in the past except for Top Max and Fish Mix so not much help there lol, @hairyman rocks the Fish Mix with great results so he might have a few pointers for you. For the Bloom i add it when the pistils are starting to form in little clusters and not just the odd hair here and there, usually about this time the first sparklings of frost are starting to appear on the calyxes the first pistils popped from and less so on the clusters of flowers. The NPK on the Bloom is 2-7-4 so nice and low in N (Nitrogen) which you want in flower but lacking a bit in K (Potassium) that will be needed, the Bloom is supposed to be used alongside the Grow with a NPK of 4-3-6 to offset this, you may be ok with the other amendments you have added but will be worth keeping a eye out for K deficency as she slips into flower and be ready to get on top of it.
Hey man, thanks for the info. As far as I know, the fish mix is the grow for outdoors, probably since it stinks a little if you use it in a tent. I'm following a scheme I found on here, which says to add 3ml of fish mix or grow, 2ml of bloom and 1ml of top max for the age of my plants. So I'm doing just that, and it seems to be what you say also. You gradually increase the bloom while you decrease the fish mix to offset the shift from N in growing to P and K in blooming. I can look up K deficiencies, but any pointers you might have on what to look out for @Spanglish?

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Yeah looking at the NPK on the Fish Mix 5-1-4 should work out like the Grow to offset the lower K in Bloom also if not a little higher in N, but without using the stuff myself is guess work and don't like to say for sure.

K def will show up on the teeth and edges of the leaves, starting off as a yellowing around that area the will end up brown and crispy as it spreads. Attached a stock photo to show what i mean ;)

Yeah looking at the NPK on the Fish Mix 5-1-4 should work out like the Grow to offset the lower K in Bloom also if not a little higher in N, but without using the stuff myself is guess work and don't like to say for sure.

K def will show up on the teeth and edges of the leaves, starting off as a yellowing around that area the will end up brown and crispy as it spreads. Attached a stock photo to show what i mean ;)

Great! They don't look like they are suffering from that right now, but I'll keep an eye out. Thanks for the graph.
Is there any specific organic stuff with high amounts of K they you could recommend if a deficiency arises?

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Great! They don't look like they are suffering from that right now, but I'll keep an eye out. Thanks for the graph.
Is there any specific organic stuff with high amounts of K they you could recommend if a deficiency arises?

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They don't seem to be suffering from anything untoward at the moment at all and fingers crossed should not at all, was just something i thought it would be a good idea to look out for if going with just Bloom but after seeing the NPK on the Fish Mix reckon you will do alright.

Peace pal and sending lots of good karma for this grow ;)
Just realised i forgot to answer your question on a organic way to get more K if and when needed, lol stoned much that's what i get for going through 10 or so bowls before lunch :smoking:

PK booster would be the best way but not many organic options on the market, BioTabs do a organic PK tea that would do nicely to stop deficiencies in both during flower and help improve bud quality even if the plants are healthy to start with. I have used Plagron Green Sensation with BioBizz but is not organic but can be used alongside organics without a problem, problem with chem PK boosters is they are pretty potent and can be easy to overdo it if not careful and end up doing more harm than good.
Fish mix can be used solely instead of grow imo in fact I only use it now throughout the whole grow with some added teas of bits and pieces ,
General advice if you have the bloom nutes is to start to introduce it 10 days after they first show sex
So another update for you good people.

We're on 7 weeks and 1 day old for the think different. The weather has been absolutely splendid here for the last couple of weeks, so the plants have enjoyed their days of sunshine. My plants get direct sunshine from about 11 in the morning until sundown, which is around 9 at night. It was also very warm, around 27 to 30°C every day, so I watered them almost everyday. They seemed to be very happy with this and kept growing. The think different is now 47cm. It grew almost 10cm since it started flowering, and kept growing past the 6 weeks mark, which Dutch passion told me would be the end of the growth.
Her buds are developing nicely, and it seems her stem is covered from top to bottom with budsites. In the last week, she has also developed side branches with budsites. All in all, she is rather small in height, but has produced, and keeps producing lots of budsites. She has also become very bushy.
As for nutrition, I am currently giving her 3ml of biobizz fish mix, 2ml of biobizz bloom and 1ml of top max. This is approx. the official schedule of bio bizz and a schedule I found on here. All ml are per liter of water, of course.

The frisian dew is another plant altogether. She is now 5 weeks and 6 days, and in the last week has grown a lot. She is now 52cm, and first showed dual white pistils about 1,5 to 2 weeks ago. She has longer and thinner leaves and the spacing between her nodes is much bigger. Apart from the pistils, she has yet to produce real budsites, so I'm guessing she is taking a little longer to just grow and will start filling out the pistils into real distinguishable budsites a little later.
Since she is still growing so fast and not yet in the real flowering phase (I think), I am giving her just 2,5 ml of fishmix and no bloom or top max yet.

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Quick question about feeding, you guys.
We have had a couple of days of rain last week, and the weekend will be rainy too, so I won't be able to water and thus feed them the biobizz.
How can I make sure they get their feeding, especially the Think Different, which is in bloom. Can I top dress the right quantities? Or maybe add the right quantities to less water, taking into account the rain water?
Thanks for your speedy reply!!