Outdoor The trails and tribulations of a first time grower [journal]

Been away on a business trip for 3 days, and just got back. The plants have grown really well, but I noticed that, again, something has been munching on the leaves, despite my copper rings around the plant. The frisian dew remains unaffected, but the think different has been getting it. She is really becoming bushy, but also good food for snails, I think. I hope this doesn't affect her growth though. She has become at least 5cm bigger in 3 days. I just fed them with 3ml/liter fish mix be stopped the top max for now.
What do you think, is she suffering from the eaten leaves?

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Quick update: Mary Jane is now 5 weeks and 6 days old, and producing flowers. Weather has been great, and is continuing to be so for at least this week. Lots of sunshine. Tonight I will feed her with 3ml of fish mix. I am a little hesitant on starting with bio bizz bloom, as I think she is still a little small (about 35 cm) and hopefully in the stretch phase. She gained about 5cm in 5 days, and I don't want her to stop growing before reaching her full potential.

The other auto frisian dew is 4 weeks and 4 days and coming along nicely. I have the impression that she is starting to really get into her stride now and will gain a lot in the coming week. She is unharmed by snails, but has always been a touch lighter in colour than her cousin the auto think different. I think this is just the way she is. Her leaves are also thinner and longer, so I'm guessing it's her genetics. She is now about 20cm high,with dual white pistils visible for a couple of days now.

Anyone care to comment and enlighten me on the nutrients? Would be much obliged...

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They're looking great Ken, don't worry!
The bug bites are prob no snails / slugs.
Don't worry, she'll grow faster than they can eat.
Can prob start on the bloom nutes for the ones that are starting to put out pistils.
The ones that haven't, can give them some high N (and prob Ca Mg) nutes for now.
Keep an eye out for Ca / Mg deficiencies, which can be common at this stage.
If the soil surface is often wet / damp, can tidy up the bottom of the plant by removing a few leaves.
Just a few, don't get too excited.... will increase air flow there and prevent any mold / rot from too wet soil surface.
They're looking great Ken, don't worry!
The bug bites are prob no snails / slugs.
Don't worry, she'll grow faster than they can eat.
Can prob start on the bloom nutes for the ones that are starting to put out pistils.
The ones that haven't, can give them some high N (and prob Ca Mg) nutes for now.
Keep an eye out for Ca / Mg deficiencies, which can be common at this stage.
If the soil surface is often wet / damp, can tidy up the bottom of the plant by removing a few leaves.
Just a few, don't get too excited.... will increase air flow there and prevent any mold / rot from too wet soil surface.
Yes, the bugs stopped eating the plant. She is in flowering mode now. I mailed Dutch passion yesterday, and they told me the auto think different stops growing at 6 weeks, which she turned yesterday. I noticed she gained 2cm in a day. Yesterday she was 38cm, so I'm guessing she'll probably end up being no more than 40 to 45cm, a bonsaï ganja !
It's probably to do with her being a little too long in her pot for her expanding roots and not growing above ground to her maximum in the pot because of lack of sunlight.

I'm germinating a new seed as we speak which will get much more sunlight in the first 2 weeks and can go outside sooner, as the temps now are better at night (around 15°C to 20°C). I'm also gonna use the no-transplant transplant method, with a pot with no bottom and minimal sides inside a regular pot. This will minimalize transplant shock, I'm guessing.

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