Outdoor The trails and tribulations of a first time grower [journal]

Thanks for the speedy comment, dude! And sorry for the tag, but I was thinking about it this morning and before work I noticed another one which made me worry even more.

On a sidenote: I read your jourbal last week about your grow last year in the cornfield and on that excavated pile of dirt. Really nice! Do you have another outdoor grow journal this year?
Looking at the pictures, you seem to be living relatively close to me, so similar circumstances

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Haha, really? I'm running out of time everyday, but on thursday is a holiday at my country, so i'll catch up my outdoor thread.
You know what, realised at the moment that your thread wasn't on my watch list, but now i noticed in the alert the " trails and tribulations " and was wondering having such a thread in my list and remembered you you tagged me in, to be brutally honest i was thinking to be in another outdoor thread:crying:
Anyway i have bad news for ya, i'm here now!:bummer:
If you look like her, all is forgiven.

I tagged you because I am visualising my entries for the auto frisian dew that is now sunbathing and of which I have not spoken yet

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Beware beware, an update is here!

We keep continuing to be blessed with perfect growing weather here in suburbland. A gentle breeze and helps around 25°C,and most importantly: sun from dusk till dawn, and no cloud in sight.
What did came in sight, was a nice tryout pack of biobizz outdoor nutrients, all organic, just the way we like it. So yesterday, day 26, I started with 2ml per litre of water of fish mix. I think she likes it. I noticed today that she is becoming really bushy and maybe want to start training her. Her 4th node is formed and she is now on her 5th and is about 20cm tall. How would I go about this the best? Tie her down to the north with a piece of coated metal wire which I can just put in the ground is what I was thinking. I only don't know if I need to put something in the ground to tie the metal wire to.
Today I also added 1ml of top max to her water, along with 2ml of fish mix. On the biobizz site it says that this will increase nutrient uptake and its recommended to add from week 3, so I did.
Any one any experience with biobizz?

I also want to introduce Miss 420 to you all. She was born on 4/20, hence the name, dear stoners. She is now 18 days old, and after initial slow growth due to poor weather, she has now shown some really nice progress. She is a Dutch Passion auto frisian dew.
She is a really sophisticated lady, with fine light green leaves and slender fingers. I fed her some water yesterday and today, laced with 2ml of fish mix.
Her home is also prepared, and I think I am going to plant her out on thursday, when we will have a cloudy day with possible rain. This way she can adapt a little to her new home before the sunshine starts again and she can grow grow grow.
@TheMongol, she's one you'll like

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Just went to have my morning tea in the garden, and noticed that some snails have been munching on the leaves of MJ! Fitted the copper cage a while back, but took it away because it damaged some leaves due to strong winds. Refitted it again just now, and leaving it there. MJ is really growing very well now, so I hope the damaged leaves will not hinder her too much. Been feeding her 1ml of biobizz top max and 2, 5ml of biobizz fishmix with every watering. And since it was dry and relatively warm (22 to 25°C) here, I have been watering her and miss 420 4 times in 5 days.

Oh, almost forgot: I put miss 420 the frisian dew in the ground on thursday. She is now 3 weeks and 1 day old. Thursday was cloudy, and yesterday was intermediate, so I thought it was a good time to plant her outside so she could acclimatise before we have more sunny days.

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Still don't understand why top max, but all looks good....i would not water too much, native soil holds water much better then in pots. Let's smoke some:pass:
grwong nicely!
I've never used top max, but I'm skeptical how much it'll do.
googled it a bit, and as far as I could find, top max is humic and fulvic acid from leonardite.

googling leonardite I got mostly salespitches from sites selling it, but also this site:
https://cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/blogs...14/04/Alternative-Soil-Amendments-14lq9e4.pdf (page 6, ' humates')
Soil scientists use very broad definitions to describe soil organic matter components; "fulvic acids" and "humic acids" are terms lumping complex families of organic compounds together on the basis of how they can be most easily extracted from soil. For the most part, however, the organic acids extracted from leonardite bear little resemblance to the humic or fulvic acids in soils. Although extremely useful and cost-efficient in certain situationsóas nutrient substrates in soilless greenhouse production for exampleóhumates and similar products are less clearly helpful in many field situations.

The sheer volume of organic matter in even moderately rich soils suggests that agronomically affordable applications of humates may not produce significant improvements. The top six inches of soil weigh approximately 1,000 tons per acre; each percent of organic matter, therefore, weighs ten tons. Even assuming that the organic matter in humate products actually is similar to that in soil, it requires two tons of humates per acre to increase soil organic matter by 0.1%.

seems to me like it would be cheaper to just add compost to your soil(also while it's organic, leonardite is a mined resource).
did you add chickenshit to the soil? because in that case the fish fertilizer might be a bit overkill. fishfertilizer contains mostly N, and weedplants do need plenty of N, but chickenshit is also rich in N(and in your pictures, I don't see signs of N defficiency).
and with liquid fish fertilizer you'll have the same downside as liquid synthetic fertilizer in full soil, it's immediatly available but it's also quickly gone, it just washes out with the rain. no problem if it's a try out pack anyway(which I'm assuming is free? ) but if you'll use it as a standard part of your grow, you're going to notice it in your wallet.

as for training, depends on what you want to achieve with it. indoors it's common since you need to fot it in a small space, but outdoors it's not really needed. unless you want to keep it from getting too tall so your neighbours won't see it for example(I usually top for that reason, but tying down is too much hassle for me).
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