Outdoor The trails and tribulations of a first time grower [journal]

@fryge our man, the professor! Learned something, thank you for that! She is going outside tonight after work, or tomorrow before noon. According to your explanation, I think the weather is good right now, as we are having a cooler period with clouds and some sunshine in between.
I transplanted 5 of my test plants, so I know a bit what to expect, but if you or anyone else has some tips, they're very welcome! I'm a bit afraid of the bigger container. It holds 1,5 liter off soil, and this is slightly too much to let drop in my hand with having it break off and expose some roots. I previously wetted the earth first, but only slightly, and then turning the pot over until I fell the earth loosen. I'm a little afraid of this one...

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Made myself a slug proof ring/cage for around the base of Miss Ledank. This gotta win some prices [emoji6]

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It has been done. Mary Jane Ledank is in the ground on day 16! Getting her out of the pot was difficult. The top of the soil came off in 2 pieces, and the rest was clinging to the base of the pot because the roots were starting to grow in a circle in the base of the pot. I believe this is what they call root bound?
I think I did not damage them to much, but it was a tense 5 minutes for sure!
I will check tomorrow if there are signs of growth, or is this too early?

Anyway, I have come to the conclusion that the 1,5 liter pots I bought are too hard. It is difficult to squeeze the sides slightly and loosen the earth to get it out in one piece. Next year I'm going to get other, bigger and deeper containers to germinate in. I think I will use the pot in pot no transplant method described by the much revered @912GreenSkell

Also, I noticed a weird discolouration on one of the leaves. You can see it in the close up picture. Is that damage of some sort, or pointing to a deficiency?

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I don't see anything that looks like a defficiency, but I do see something that looks like a leafminer in the first leaf in front on the pictures(no big deal I think, I regularly see some leafmining in outdoor plants, but there is always so little damage I don't bother fighting them, they never develop into an infestation).
the roots circling around the bottom of the pot is pretty normal in plastic pots.
for repotting, I always put the stem between 2 fingers, hand flat on the soil surface with the plant upside down. then slap the bottom of the pot a few times and usually that's enough for it to come loose, and the whole rootball+most soil wil lean on my hand.
but it's easier when the plant has been in the soil longer, when all the soil is held together by roots. but even with some of the soil still loose I find it works well.
Yes, that leafmining is what I meant. I noticed that 2 days ago. I'll Google it, and keep an eye out if it worsens. I'm guessing it's some kind of parasite? If the plant starts off and many leaves develop, maybe I can just cut those leaves away?

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Day 25 came, and what a splendid one it was indeed. We here in the old world have been blessed with some truly golden days in the last week or so, and it looks like it is going to stay good with lots of sunshine for the next couple of days. Last week was shitty with a lot of clouds, low temps around 15°C during the day and 5°C at night,so I did not notice any real progress in Mary Jane for a week or so after her transplant to the garden. There was some new growth, but it was slow. After these last couple of days, she is growing again really nicely. We now have temps of 25°C and more for 4 days straight. Nights are also warmer. Lots of new leaves developing under the big fanleaves and really closely spaced nodes. I wish she would explode, though. She is around 20cm high now, and I can't wait to bend her over so these new sites get more light. I also want to get rid of one leaf that had a leafminer, but I'm waiting till she develops more leaves so it won't slow her down too much.
Because of the heavy rains last week, she was all dirty with mud, and I noticed today that she has an orange spot on one of her leaves. There is also one other tiny spot on another leaf. Is this a sign of some deficiency developing? Maybe calcium?

I also couldn't resist and ordered an outdoor trypack of biobizz, which includes bio food, fish mix and top max. This because last week she was looking kinda sad, and since its all organic it can't hurt. Anyone any experience with these nutes in soil?

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Hello one and all, I hope these words find you well and in good spirits. Some of you have already seen some of my other posts, and have helped tremendously with their answers. Thank you all!
After 7 test plants (from bag seed) I germinated to get some experience, I have low successfully germinated the first of my good seeds. The first one that I will grow outside, the proverbial popping off the cherry, will go in my own garden in full soil, is a Dutch Passion Think Different seed. I have christened her Mary Jane Ledank,and she just popped her lovely head above ground today, day 1.
I have germinated her between paper towels in 48 hours, and she is now living in a 1,5 liter pot, filled to the brim with a lush, moist and fresh layer of seedling soil. Just below, I have layered a mix of potting soil + full soil from the garden, perlite and a some chicken shit pellets. This mix I prepared a month or so in advance in the right quantities, to get the organic life in the soil going. Talking about organic: this is my preferred method for this grow. I will not be using nutrients if there is no deficiency, and will grow under the 1 billion watt Hps, to quote the honorable @912GreenSkell
The plant will be in my garden in full soil when the time is right, hopefully after a week or 3 in the nice sunlight on the south facing windowsill. The weather here is starting to pick up, so let's hope for some good sunlight and little clouds in the coming weeks so she can grow without stretching too much.
I will try and update regularly, when time permits.

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Watching. Good luck!!
She's really starting to look good again with the sun she is getting now. Looks really happy.
I'm only a bit worried about those rust coloured spots. I noticed a tiny one again today on another leaf. What could this be, @TheMongol @fryge @mariasanchez ?

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I wouldn't worry about the spots Ken, she will get big enough in the next weeks, relax and watch/enjoy:coffee:
Thanks for the speedy comment, dude! And sorry for the tag, but I was thinking about it this morning and before work I noticed another one which made me worry even more.

On a sidenote: I read your jourbal last week about your grow last year in the cornfield and on that excavated pile of dirt. Really nice! Do you have another outdoor grow journal this year?
Looking at the pictures, you seem to be living relatively close to me, so similar circumstances

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