Outdoor The trails and tribulations of a first time grower [journal]

High KB,

The leaves that are affected will stay that way, but new ones should be fine. Since it's not flowering, it should be okay.
Flowering temps that high will ruin the taste, and diminish production somewhat.
Ha great! I was a little worried because she is only barely 2 weeks old. I thought it's like with all life: when something happens when they are young, it effects them more in later life.

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Hello everyone and thank you for reading these words.

I have been pondering a little dilemma I'm having as of late.

Miss Ledank has been growing really well. She is forming her 3rd node now and the nodes itself are nice and close together. She is growing so well, in fact, that her fan leaves are already almost as wide as the diameter of her 1,5l pot. So it is time to repot, or plant her outside, which is the plan all along. She is already used to the outside, so if the weather would be as nice as it was in the last 2 weeks, there would be no problem and I would plant her outside in the weekend.

But this is the thing: the precipitation is for cloudy weather with occassional sunshine and some showers in between, with daily temps of around 15 to 19° C. At night, the temperatures are around 6 to 12°C on average. This will be so until at least the middle of next week, possibly a little later.

So my conundrum is this: repot her to a bigger container and keep her inside and possibly getting a growing light (I hear Ikea has a hydroponics setup with a rack and lights for next to nothing) so she can get some extra rays until the weather improves in 1,5 weeks and I can plant her in the garden. I'm afraid this is too much repotting for her and it will stunt her growth.

The other option is to plant her outside now where her luscious, well prepared digs are waiting for her with lovely organic soil brimming with life, but with lower temps.

Which will be the better option? I could surely use some opinions here, more experienced brothers (@912GreenSkell @TheMongol @fryge @Bode @stoney T etc..) and sisters (@Maria Sanchez etc..) !
Hmmm.... she's gotta go outside at some point.
But, if it's cold, she won't grow much,
and autos need as much veg growth as they can.
Tough call...

Maybe just leave her in the present pot for another 1/2 week.
Then drop her outside.

Hello everyone and thank you for reading these words.

I have been pondering a little dilemma I'm having as of late.

Miss Ledank has been growing really well. She is forming her 3rd node now and the nodes itself are nice and close together. She is growing so well, in fact, that her fan leaves are already almost as wide as the diameter of her 1,5l pot. So it is time to repot, or plant her outside, which is the plan all along. She is already used to the outside, so if the weather would be as nice as it was in the last 2 weeks, there would be no problem and I would plant her outside in the weekend.

But this is the thing: the precipitation is for cloudy weather with occassional sunshine and some showers in between, with daily temps of around 15 to 19° C. At night, the temperatures are around 6 to 12°C on average. This will be so until at least the middle of next week, possibly a little later.

So my conundrum is this: repot her to a bigger container and keep her inside and possibly getting a growing light (I hear Ikea has a hydroponics setup with a rack and lights for next to nothing) so she can get some extra rays until the weather improves in 1,5 weeks and I can plant her in the garden. I'm afraid this is too much repotting for her and it will stunt her growth.

The other option is to plant her outside now where her luscious, well prepared digs are waiting for her with lovely organic soil brimming with life, but with lower temps.

Which will be the better option? I could surely use some opinions here, more experienced brothers (@912GreenSkell @TheMongol @fryge @Bode @stoney T etc..) and sisters (@Maria Sanchez etc..) !
Thanks.for the tag mate but my experience is indoors havnt played outdoors yet so il let some of the others fill you in on the best options
Thanks all for the tips, and thanks @TheMongol for the desert post you shared. I guess this weekend she will go to the garden and I'll leave her be. She is so much bigger and grows so much faster than her cousin the frisian dew. They are only 1 day difference, but what a difference a day makes! I have posted pics of a few days ago of both. Guess which one is which...

I also germed another frisian dew which came above ground on 4/20, and so I dubbed her miss 420. Her I will keep here in the garden, the one in the picture will go to a friend.
I'll be posting about miss 420 soon, and I'll tag you as requested @themongol

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Also, she is now 2 weeks and 1 day old. Is that not too early to plant out? Shouldn't I wait until she is 3 weeks, or is it more to do with the constrains of her pot? In one hole at the bottom of the pot, I see what I think are roots that are coming out to say hello.

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I would plant her outside.
actually, I think a bit of cloudy weather after planting is great. when planting her out, even if very carefull, you'll likely damage the roots a bit. no big deal, they'll regrow, but when a plant has damaged roots and then is bombarded by sunlight on a warm, sunny day, it moght get a little too much, more water is leaving the leaves trough transpiration then the roots can take up(and in that case, the plant will also close it's stomata to limit waterloss, and that means it can't even use all that sunshine to grow, since it won't have CO2 coming into the leaf).

but, if it's a bit cloudy, a little colder and more humid, you'll have less transpiration(similar to how you put clones under a humidity dome out of direct sunlight and cut of part of the leaves, that's also all meant to reduce transpiration since there are no roots yet to suply the water needed for all that transpiration).
that little time with less transpiration gives the roots some time to start growing out, and it'll be well established once the weather gets nicer again, ready to handle all that sun and use it to grow.

for my guerilla last year I also always timed plantout together with a rainy period, and that worked great. never took water with me, just planned plantout so that a few hours after plantout it would rain, and it would be rainy and cloudy for a few days, so I didn't need to water it in after planting.