Outdoor The trails and tribulations of a first time grower [journal]

It's always dry weight Ken, looking at your beauty i bet she's more than 100 gr., what's her height?
She's only 50cm high. Can't seem to get them taller. The last one was 48cm and yielded 160gr wet, and due to our extreme summer it was 35gr dried once I could snap the stems like they say in the guides. This one should be a little more judging how the collas look. I'll keep you posted! Any gambles?

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Oh, only half meter, then should be more 50 gr. dry i guess, try to give her a longer dry time holding her colder and weter while drying!
Yes, 50 to 60gr must be in the cards, I hope. I'm using a dry tent with carbon filter, extraction fan and fan in the tent. The tent itself is in my cellar, which is cool and dry. How do you give it a lover dry time with this weather we're having? And how do you keep it wetter? Maybe I shouldn't put the fan inside the tent on?

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Just harvested part of the plant. The main colla and 2 side branches. Left the rest to fatten up. Look at those nice and fat nuggets. This one has real dense buds, and very big. Very pleased with this one.

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Just harvested part of the plant. The main colla and 2 side branches. Left the rest to fatten up. Look at those nice and fat nuggets. This one has real dense buds, and very big. Very pleased with this one.

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Nice buds, well done champ!!

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