Outdoor The trails and tribulations of a first time grower [journal]

Just went to check and open the jars for some fresh air. I have one jar with bud that has been curing for around 5 to 6 weeks now. For lack of space, I added a small amount of the newly dried bud to this jar. Today I took 2 'older' buds out that ate beginning to look brown, which I though was mold, but is probably just the chlorophyll dying now from the curing. However, I did notice these buds smell like hay, although before they were fine... I was reading online about this, but there are more answers than assholes so let me ask the experienced growers @greenskell912 @TheMongol @fryge @mariasanchez @blue @senorsensi @thegreenbandit and everyone that feels like answering.
Why the hay smell? Is it something that will go away with further curing? Is it because I maybe overdried them earlier? Does it have something to do with the brown color of the buds. I will post pics if needed or explain in detail my drying method (secret jardin tent with small fan and filter in my basement, which is dry and constant temperature).
Thanks in advance if you take the time to reply!

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Ken, yes and yes to both your questions. The hay smell will go away with a long cure.

Though what is the rh in your jar? Needs to be 60-65, if any less you will not be in the curing zone.
Ken, yes and yes to both your questions. The hay smell will go away with a long cure.

Though what is the rh in your jar? Needs to be 60-65, if any less you will not be in the curing zone.
I don't know the rh. I ordered some hygrometers, but there was a mix up in the post-office and I didn't get them on time. Now they're sending them again, and I should get them next week.

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Smallish update. The weather has turned here and we're experiencing autumnal coolness and moist with some sunshine days in between. Yesterday I had to cut out part of a budsite on the frisian dew due to budrot. It was a branch that only gets the evening sun, which there is little of now that the days are shortening. Curiously, when I cut it out, I found a very white seed in it... How can this be? I've been looking at other budsites to see if I see can spot seed sacks, but the buds are already so dense I can't see anything. Anyone some tips on how this can be? Is it may be a survival strategy of the bud when it started to rot?

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Maybe in ur neighbourhood was a male and wind brought pollen to urs
Next to it is a female on which I found 4 seeds. I think it was stressed because I harvested half the plant 2 weeks ago. What would be the effect on the weed of it was pollinated, and how can I tell?

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Could be hermied or wind born pollen.
If you know what pollen sacks look like, "bananas", then keep an eye for them.
Otherwise, very hard to tell.
You'd prob have to grow them out and see how much like mama they look.
But nobody has time for that...
Immature seeds are pretty common, nothing to worry about, really.
Could be hermied or wind born pollen.
If you know what pollen sacks look like, "bananas", then keep an eye for them.
Otherwise, very hard to tell.
You'd prob have to grow them out and see how much like mama they look.
But nobody has time for that...
Immature seeds are pretty common, nothing to worry about, really.
I know what bananas look like. I had a few male plants in the beginning of the season, which I killed. No sign of bananas on the frisian dew, and the seed looked very immature. It is all white. Though the frisian dew seeds I got from DP were also all white. I'm thinking it is nothing and the plant will grow fine.

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I know what bananas look like. I had a few male plants in the beginning of the season, which I killed. No sign of bananas on the frisian dew, and the seed looked very immature. It is all white. Though the frisian dew seeds I got from DP were also all white. I'm thinking it is nothing and the plant will grow fine.

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Hey there Ken Bacon[emoji481][emoji482]
Boy I don't envy you right now you got lots of work ahead of you.

So yes for all those reasons that Maria gave you could cause seeds and also due to stress can cause them to seed up a little bit.
Its not a big deal won't affect anything it's personal smoke and you're not selling it so you're good....

But the seeds are least of your problem I wouldn't even worry about that whatsoever you got bigger fish to fry.

You need to keep a....Really.... close eye on that BUD ROT that is a Devastator.. IT will destroy that plant you have. You have to pay SO clouse attention every single chance you get. By pay attention to it you can save those buds.
I've done it and I know from personal experience just recently this year I saved my crop.

You're close enough to harvest you may have to make an executive decision and pull those buds from that plant and chop them buds down.

Another thing that helps while the buds are on the plant and still growing. You can pull the individual buds apart on a colon and just gently pull them away from the stem so there's air flowing between the stem and the bud. I've done it works but you still have to keep close eye on it.
The air flow in between them will help dry the bud out.
If you can get a fan out there to blow air. These are some of the only way you can save it.
I guarantee you you going to have trouble if you can't get air flow to those buds. If you got bud rot in one place you're going to have it elsewhere.
I found it in its infancy inside buds by pulling the buds apart and finding it deep inside they had no apparent visible Bud rot from the outside of Bud. But was deep inside just starting.[emoji109]

Its very hard to get around Bud rot even with the technique that I just showed you. But you don't have much Choice Bud rot is relentless seriously relentless.
It does not die easily it moves very quickly and once you got it you have to be vigilant because you're going to get it everywhere it just happens don't ask me why I'm not a biologist like that but it just happens and you got to be vigilant and be on it or you'll lose it and you'll be sad.
Good luck my friend. [emoji120][emoji109]
grow on grow bro[emoji482]

When you find the bud rot in a Bud you can take and get rid of that bud rot off that bud once you cut it from the plant and lay that bud out to dry and you can save some of your smoke I've done it it works but you got to be vigilant.

It may be the worst enemy I've ever dealt with in growing cannabis.

Sorry if I sound so stressful but if you want to save that plant you're under stress right now.
I've watched that bud rot tear through a plant in 3 days and destroy it before I even had a chance to do anything about it. When I first understood what bud rot was all about a few years ago and you can't save it after that. it's done[emoji47] good luck.[emoji482]

Hey there Ken Bacon[emoji481][emoji482]
Boy I don't envy you right now you got lots of work ahead of you.

So yes for all those reasons that Maria gave you could cause seeds and also due to stress can cause them to seed up a little bit.
Its not a big deal won't affect anything it's personal smoke and you're not selling it so you're good....

But the seeds are least of your problem I wouldn't even worry about that whatsoever you got bigger fish to fry.

You need to keep a....Really.... close eye on that BUD ROT that is a Devastator.. IT will destroy that plant you have. You have to pay SO clouse attention every single chance you get. By pay attention to it you can save those buds.
I've done it and I know from personal experience just recently this year I saved my crop.

You're close enough to harvest you may have to make an executive decision and pull those buds from that plant and chop them buds down.

Another thing that helps while the buds are on the plant and still growing. You can pull the individual buds apart on a colon and just gently pull them away from the stem so there's air flowing between the stem and the bud. I've done it works but you still have to keep close eye on it.
The air flow in between them will help dry the bud out.
If you can get a fan out there to blow air. These are some of the only way you can save it.
I guarantee you you going to have trouble if you can't get air flow to those buds. If you got bud rot in one place you're going to have it elsewhere.
I found it in its infancy inside buds by pulling the buds apart and finding it deep inside they had no apparent visible Bud rot from the outside of Bud. But was deep inside just starting.[emoji109]

Its very hard to get around Bud rot even with the technique that I just showed you. But you don't have much Choice Bud rot is relentless seriously relentless.
It does not die easily it moves very quickly and once you got it you have to be vigilant because you're going to get it everywhere it just happens don't ask me why I'm not a biologist like that but it just happens and you got to be vigilant and be on it or you'll lose it and you'll be sad.
Good luck my friend. [emoji120][emoji109]
grow on grow bro[emoji482]

When you find the bud rot in a Bud you can take and get rid of that bud rot off that bud once you cut it from the plant and lay that bud out to dry and you can save some of your smoke I've done it it works but you got to be vigilant.

It may be the worst enemy I've ever dealt with in growing cannabis.

Sorry if I sound so stressful but if you want to save that plant you're under stress right now.
I've watched that bud rot tear through a plant in 3 days and destroy it before I even had a chance to do anything about it. When I first understood what bud rot was all about a few years ago and you can't save it after that. it's done[emoji47] good luck.[emoji482]

Hey man! Thanks for your lengthy comment and the very good tips you gave me. I only saw the bud rot yesterday, but I had read about it on here. Its my first time growing, so I have 0 experience. Once I saw the dark green, brownish leaves, I knew immediately it was some kind of mold. It is on the side of the plant that is facing the north, so getting almost no sun now. The climate here now is getting very moist, rainy and with no garantee of sunny days. Also, the buds on this plant are very dense. This combined makes the water inside the buds just sit there, not evaporating due to the sun, and no wind blowing it out. So it started rotting. I immediately cut out the part of the flower that was rotted. Today I went to check, and cut another, very small part of the flower which had a little bit of mold which I overlooked yesterday. I'm not taking risks and leaving the buds on and try to get rid of the mold. I'd rather cut it away and be sure. The plant will produce more than enough pot, and I have already harvested 2 auto's, and a northern lights plant which will see me through. No need to be greedy.
But thanks for the tips on how to tread it. If it appears again, I'll post back with pictures.
Now, I'm just waiting for the buds to turn blue and purple....

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Hey man! Thanks for your lengthy comment and the very good tips you gave me. I only saw the bud rot yesterday, but I had read about it on here. Its my first time growing, so I have 0 experience. Once I saw the dark green, brownish leaves, I knew immediately it was some kind of mold. It is on the side of the plant that is facing the north, so getting almost no sun now. The climate here now is getting very moist, rainy and with no garantee of sunny days. Also, the buds on this plant are very dense. This combined makes the water inside the buds just sit there, not evaporating due to the sun, and no wind blowing it out. So it started rotting. I immediately cut out the part of the flower that was rotted. Today I went to check, and cut another, very small part of the flower which had a little bit of mold which I overlooked yesterday. I'm not taking risks and leaving the buds on and try to get rid of the mold. I'd rather cut it away and be sure. The plant will produce more than enough pot, and I have already harvested 2 auto's, and a northern lights plant which will see me through. No need to be greedy.
But thanks for the tips on how to tread it. If it appears again, I'll post back with pictures.
Now, I'm just waiting for the buds to turn blue and purple....

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Good eye you caught it quick that's the only way to combat this cannabis killer is quick quick I'm serious as a heart attack and it's the only way to combat it you've got it and you got to pay attention to it very closely now you're doing a very good job by pulling the buds off that you have spotted with it and you can save those buds by opening them up and cutting out the rot and then drying that bud out that's the only way I know of saving them.
Your best bet is to search those buds and pull them apart cuz with the rain and moisture you're having right now it's going to be Amplified.. dense buds are super culprit for Bud rot I know all too well pull your buds apart and look you'll find it inside those buds in its infancy and you can save them then but like I said you may have to make an executive decision and pull the whole plug on it. I've been there and done it if there a couple weeks early so what you still got a good crop as long as your trikes are opaque your safe even if there's some clear in there no big deal it'll still be good it may not be no couchlock buzz but it'll still be a good happy hi
good luck my friend[emoji482]
