Outdoor The trails and tribulations of a first time grower [journal]

So, anybody know what this is? She's a photo period DP frisian dew of 11 weeks and 3 days. The soil is enriched with chicken shit pellets, so she should have plenty of food. It's been incredibly hot here the last few weeks, 28°C and more with sunshine from morning to sundown, and very dry. I've watered her almost every day because of these temps, as I do with all plants in my garden. The pale leaftips are not like a burn, really more like a discolouring. And yellowing leaves below look like an N deficiency.
Help anyone?

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I am pretty sure this has nothing to do with heat or watering frequency, though i can see some heat stress(taco leaves). It is more than likely nutrient, but i wont stab at the problem on a whim. Head over to the infirmary, make a post and tag in waira. He is a master of figuring problems like this one and can help you.
I am pretty sure this has nothing to do with heat or watering frequency, though i can see some heat stress(taco leaves). It is more than likely nutrient, but i wont stab at the problem on a whim. Head over to the infirmary, make a post and tag in waira. He is a master of figuring problems like this one and can help you.
Will do later tonight! Thanks a bunch

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So, anybody know what this is? She's a photo period DP frisian dew of 11 weeks and 3 days. The soil is enriched with chicken shit pellets, so she should have plenty of food. It's been incredibly hot here the last few weeks, 28°C and more with sunshine from morning to sundown, and very dry. I've watered her almost every day because of these temps, as I do with all plants in my garden. The pale leaftips are not like a burn, really more like a discolouring. And yellowing leaves below look like an N deficiency.
Help anyone?

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I had exact same thing on my girls, I'd recommend some seaweed extract, mollasses for K, though bloom nutes should help. I do think the dryness of the soil in the UK at present makes this K def worse.
I had exact same thing on my girls, I'd recommend some seaweed extract, mollasses for K, though bloom nutes should help. I do think the dryness of the soil in the UK at present makes this K def worse.

Yeah the seaweed and molasses is good stuff bud , probably love some banana peel compost tea in there too