Harvest & Curing The time we all work so hard for. Achieving the Perfect Cure!

I just bought another hygrometer by Reindeer. It is rectangular and will fit in big mouth jars. Near perfect cal. digital and no cal needed. If you live in a large city go to a cigar shop--the bigger the shop the better. Where I live cigars are a big deal. I tested the Reindeer and my Acurite in the cigar shops massive humidor. Wow--the cigar industry is beyond what I imagined. Look online too. About $23.00 on average--give or take--less Ebay but not worth the wait over a buck or two. I am using it right now for drying. CG
Love this thread!!! Taught me some s*** for real!

Definitely. One of the most important and most referenced (for me) threads around.

I used the TBM Dry/Paper/Cure method and it's the real deal. Thanks TBM. The only thing I did differently is the Paper Bag stuff. If you're as unfortunate as I am and live in a country that doesn't know what brown paper bags are for, other than some Boutiques to give out to try to look posh (no, I'm not shitting you).

So I had the pack material from my cfl and reflector. It's shredded cardboard box instead of paper.

I used a smaller box with the top open and the sides cut out for air flow. The shredded box layer down first, buds on top of that and then another layer of shredded box on top. Worked like a charm.



I hung my buds to dry for 5 1/2 days, had em in the shredded box for about 12 hrs. In the glass to start curing and had 77% RH. Back in the box for another 12 hrs and the RH when they went back to the glass was 66% and holding. Now I'm doing the burping and things are lookin' sweet.

hey, just wondering, if the temp is around 75`-80` deg F, and RH is 56%-63%/64%, is that ok for drying --- or should i find another place? kind of concerned here. :(
Hey Vedder6, I can't see anything that would be a problem, if you use TBM's method and the formula for RH% x Days Drying...
60% would be 6 days, plus 1 gives you 7 days hanging. Then in the shredded paper deal... And don't forget a good fresh air flow.
This works very well!
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ok cool. thanks!!
its getting pretty cold here, actually got down to 34`F last night outside so my temperature and humidity have been dropping like crazy inside this apartment. im worried my buds would freeze or get a cold or something. lol
I just looked back into this thread, and I saw someone inquiring on how to calibrate your hygrometer.
There is a real simple test, called a salt test.
Fill bottle cap with standard table salt; fill about 3/4 of the way up.
Add tap water to the bottle cap to saturate the salt. If you see water floating on top of the salt, you’ve added too much water. Easy fix for this is to grab a paper towel, and soak up all of the excess water. You want more of a slurry consistency of water and salt. Again, if you see water actually floating on top of the salt, soak up the excess with a paper towel.


Place both hygrometer and bottle cap (with salt/water mixture) in a jar, or a ziplock baggie. Wait 4 hours and come back for a reading check.
If your hygrometer is perfectly accurate, it will read 75%. Most hygrometers will be +/- 3 %. If your hygrometer is digital and has a calibration button, follow the directions that it came with to calibrate to 75%. Digital hygrometers have a calibration button you push, while analog hygrometers have a screw which allows you to adjust the needle accordingly.

If your hygrometer is perfectly accurate, it will read 75%. Most hygrometers will be +/- 3 %. If your hygrometer is digital and has a calibration button, follow the directions that it came with to calibrate to 75%. Digital hygrometers have a calibration button you push, while analog hygrometers have a screw which allows you to adjust the needle accordingly.
If your hygrometer is not adjustable, you’ll just have to make a note and remember how far off it is.

Hope this helps.

One of the most informative threads yet! And one of the most important for beginners. It would suck to loose months of hard work to mold. And what a difference there is in a properly cured bud!
I agree, this is a very informative thread. I need to get one of those hydro things, then study up on humitity and stuff. All I know is room is about 62 degrees at night, hang them for 3 days, they were crisp. Then into jars. I'm burping them for 3-4 hours 3 times a day. On day 2 of cure.