Indoor The Return of Zamnisia Auto Caramel - A Frogster Grow

You know how thoughts drift when a good joint hits that spot:baked:

Well, I got to thinking..... Any environmental calculation is made on the assumption that the Data is accurate, this includes the data coming from the Rh sensor(s) / meters we all use. Most of us have at least one we use in our grow rooms

There is one very important thing to consider when using Rh sensors.


I am sure most of us growers (myself included) forget to / never calibrate our Rh Sensors. This really should be done every 6 months.

Do you trust the reading displayed, are you sure that's the correct humidity ? It is even more important if you use 2 or more devices. Now which one do we trust, if any ?

Fortunately there is an easy way to calibrate them. I do not take the credit for this method, I read it somewhere on the 'tinternet and saved it to my PC, I just pass it on.

Equipment required:
  • some table salt
  • a small plastic lid from a soda bottle, or similar
  • a zip-lock bag / airtight container
  • some distilled water
The science behind this test is that a wet sodium chloride (table salt) mixture will establish a relative humidity in an enclosed space of precisely 75%. By creating that environment inside a plastic bag, you can check to see how far off from 75% your meter is, and then calibrate it accordingly. Here’s how you do it:

1: Fill the empty bottle cap about 3/4 full of salt.

2: Pour a very small amount of distilled water into the cap, to create a slurry. You don’t want all the salt to dissolve. You want it to appear grainy and gooey, like wet sand at the beach just after the surf has uncovered it. You can pour off excess water if you put too much in, or play with the water/salt mixture to get it right.

3: Place the lid inside the zip-lock bag, then place the hygrometer(s) inside the bag, display side up, near to the bottle cap. The technically “ideal” location for measurement is suspended 3 inches above the salt mixture, but that level of accuracy isn’t necessary. Placing it right next to the bottle cap is fine.

4: Seal the bag, but don’t push any air out of it. Whatever normal amount of air is naturally inside the bag as you put stuff inside is fine. Place the bag somewhere that’s not too warm — ideally around 70F — that won’t fluctuate much in temperature.

5: If you have multiple meters put them all in together. Leave the bag overnight. At a minimum, the bag should stay sealed for 6-8 hours. Ideally, 12-24 hours would be great. You want to make sure the humidity inside the bag has stabilized at 75%

6: If the meters can be adjusted do so, If not make a note on the meter of the % it is off .... i.e. if it reads 73% when it should read 75% then mark the meter +2, that way you know to add 2% to any reading you use from that meter.

That's it.... just thought I would share.

worth a slap every time someone post this :slap:... and the prize go's to the Frogster fro dropping the the best nugget of knowledge for the day... Bank this one people one of the best G'room hacks that can be passed on.
.... And as for what I'm growing you were nearly right, not dp but there sister company "seedstockers", got a critical xxl and a northern lights going.Sent from my LYA-L09 using Tapatalk

Hey @2Stoned2Care:toke:

Well, I took your suggestion Bro, and also took advantage of the "Black Friday" sale prices they offered... I managed to add a few of their seeds to my ever increasing stock of "Future Seeds to Grow".

The problem I have now is.... I either need to get a 100ft x 100ft tent.... or live to 146 to be able to grow all the stuff I have :shrug:

But... Hey Ho, worse problems to have, I guess !

Anyway, not really relative to this grow journal, but these arrived today...:d5:


Also taking this opportunity to shout out again to a few peeps who may have missed this journal so far...
@Mossy @blue @epenguin @Waira @Rebel @Duggy @sniper @Waximus @budelee @witchyhour @Hansbricks @namvet25 @Ripper @stepside @Root @Eekman @Renaissance Redneck @9bear @Heavily Medicated @wwwillie @Dudeski @dankstyle J @Grim Reefer @Vlad The Inhaler @Eyes on Fire @Maria Sanchez @Frankthetank @Rebel @sanguine @The Elvis @arty zan @Wile e Peyote @F.N. @HemiSync @IzzyTheGrower @jingo @derek420colorado @Puddentane @Eclectic Elle @briman @Spanglish @pop22 @tripaholic88 @Yeatster

Few seats still available, snacks and drinks at the back, have fun.


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thanks for the reply okPeet! Reason i ask is that I've found the remote digital thermometers won't send a signal with the rerchargeables.

we use 4x AA's, and that lets NiCad batteries (the typical rechargable ones) push enough voltage together to get what we'd need. I haven't actually tested it though, but it'll be something we keep in mind.
Hey @2Stoned2Care:toke:

Well, I took your suggestion Bro, and also took advantage of the "Black Friday" sale prices they offered... I managed to add a few of their seeds to my ever increasing stock of "Future Seeds to Grow".

The problem I have now is.... I either need to get a 100ft x 100ft tent.... or live to 146 to be able to grow all the stuff I have :shrug:

But... Hey Ho, worse problems to have, I guess !

Anyway, not really relative to this grow journal, but these arrived today...:d5:

View attachment 980697

Also taking this opportunity to shout out again to a few peeps who may have missed this journal so far...
@Mossy @blue @epenguin @Waira @Rebel @Duggy @sniper @Waximus @budelee @witchyhour @Hansbricks @namvet25 @Ripper @stepside @Root @Eekman @Renaissance Redneck @9bear @Heavily Medicated @wwwillie @Dudeski @dankstyle J @Grim Reefer @Vlad The Inhaler @Eyes on Fire @Maria Sanchez @Frankthetank @Rebel @sanguine @The Elvis @arty zan @Wile e Peyote @F.N. @HemiSync @IzzyTheGrower @jingo @derek420colorado @Puddentane @Eclectic Elle @briman @Spanglish @pop22 @tripaholic88 @Yeatster

Few seats still available, snacks and drinks at the back, have fun.


gweedy grower's conundrum!
Really points to the need to look after our health, gotta live loong to get all these seeds planted!
Fascinating journal! New grower here, going to follow along. :toke:

Hi there davisgirl, thank you and :welcome: to the journal, pull up a chair :cheers:.

Update Day 33

Hi all, once again - welcome to all the new viewers.

Today we are at Day 33, the Ladies (can't call them girls now) are doing well. Lots of growth since the last update, in fact about 8 inches

They are too big to get out of the tent for some natural light photos, so the following pics were taken in the tent with lights on.

Sorry about the colour etc, best I could do today.

Plant 1 - 2 Dec 2018.jpg

Plant 2 Dec 2018.jpg

Some nice bud sites developing as you can see.

On Day 30 they were changed over to My "Bloom Mix" of Nutrients as the growth/stretch was getting a little mad.

They sure look like they are enjoying the environment and feed :cool1:

Without rearranging my tent, the way these Ladies were growing they would hit the lights in about 3 days so action had to be taken....

As the more observant of you may have noticed in the pic above, Plant 2 is sporting an injury. :yoinks:

This injury was caused by me trying to bend the main stem of the plant to one side, out of the way of the lights (buying time).

I have, somewhere, some neat little "Stem Benders" but couldn't put my hands on them so did it the old fashioned way - Rub, Warm, Bend.

I have done this before, numerous times, but on this occasion I was a little heavy handed and it bent the stem too far :redcross: (we all make mistakes).

So a repair had to be made, there are other ways of doing it but I used the splint method, as you can see in the pic below.

Cannabis plants are extremely resilient and she will bounce back without a doubt.

The bending of the main stem, causes the other lower stems/bud sites to put on a spurt to try to become the new main bud, and they shoot up.

Plant Stress can equal a positive reaction :greencheck:

Repair 02nd Dec 2018.jpg

Over a few days the bend injury will heal, the splint removed and all will be well again.

The Pulse is impressing me, finding it extremely useful and accurate, enabling a good solid grow room environment by adjusting the control settings to maintain perfect VPD.:thumbsup:

Lights On/Day Target Temp 27c, with a 55%Rh giving a VPD of about 1.1 kPa.

Chart 30 mins duration
Pulse - 2 Dec 2018.jpg

Still Happy, but I think I may have some more monsters on my hands.


Not really an Update.... Just a couple of pics with the tent lights off and using flash.

Buds starting to develop:woohoo:

Plant 1 - 3rd Dec 2018.jpg

Plant 2 - 3rd Dec 2018.jpg


Nice plants man. I did wanna try those Cheese's again.Big ole plant I did back when.Great sati drumming smoke too. Happy harvesting man.Hope it turn out nice for ya.looks like itll do well.
Thanks a lot, they have all the makings of a good grow. :cheers:

Day 36 Update

Photographs taken in tent, lights full on (Day), flash used.

The plants are currently at just over 5ft tall, the stretch is starting to slow down (a little), but as I thought, a few stems are going to need bending to keep them out of the light.

They are also filling out nicely, the tomato cages are containing them well, even if they are trying to break out of the tent whenever I open the door :biggrin:.

The buds are starting to fill in, and overall the plants look very healthy.

Plant 2 - 5th Dec 2018 A.jpg

A few updates back I bent a couple of stems using the manual way... as I couldn't find my "stem benders".

Well, as I needed to bend a few more, I thought I would share these little things with you, and show you how they work :smoking:.

I found them a few years back on e-bay and have used them over a number of grows... very useful items to have and very cheap if I remember correctly, about 3 quid for 100 :greencheck:.

Bending clip.jpg

They are a semi preset 90 degree bend, but you can open them up and make them less of a bend if you want, they are small, plastic, flexible & adjustable.

This stem on plant 1 (pic below), needed a bit of a bend to keep it away from the lights. I decided to give it a sharp bend, to lay it flat across the canopy.

Apart from the obvious benefit of keeping it lower and out of the light, It also will allow all the individual flower/bud sections on the bent stem part, to grow back up towards the light, almost as separate buds

This helps produce even more bud, etc.

So..... Below is the stem needing the bend.

Plant 1 - 5th Dec 2018 A.jpg

Once you have identified where you want to re-position the stem, just slip the clip gently over it, letting the clip bend the stem as it goes on.

Once the stem is where you want it the clip will hold it there, and support the stem as it firms up.

Below is the stem once the clip was applied.

Plant 1 - 5th Dec 2018 B.jpg

After a few days the clip can be removed (and used again). The stem will have set in a permanent bend and will be fine.

I apologise if some of you already know this, but new growers may not... and I like to think AFN is a "friendly helping community".

I know that I was thankful for tips and advice when I started out, and I searched other journals etc
to find stuff.


The stats are looking good, the environment is steady, with the plants drinking loads and liking my bloom mix of nutrients. Another 25 Ltrs added to the reservoir today, at Ph 5.8, EC 1.8.
The Pulse is indicating everything is on track.

Target Temp of 27c, Rh55% VPD of 1.2(ish), so almost spot on.

More leaf has the effect of more moisture in the air (higher Rh%) so it required another fan to be added to circulate the air more, still running the Dehumidifier, but 24/7 now.

Day Chart (Lights on)
Pulse - 5th Dec 2018.jpg

That's it for today....


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