New Grower The Plants of The Ape

Dawww - not tag for poor ole' blue! ^_^

Well, i suppose i'll have to do :D

I can help!! I'd pot up into just the soil ... leave that slow release "mystery mix" in the box lol .. you don't know when or how it's gonna get released and could burn your auto really easy.

There'll be enough nutes in the soil for another 10 days at least - which will give you time to look into some NPK based feed you can mix in with your water.
(down the line you may want to try a living soil (organic) or biotabs which are like easymode organics)

Dont water that 3 gallon pot to run off yet :D it will never dry and you'll want to encourage your roots to search for water.

I use a small plastic cup from seeding to about day 10 .. gradually giving more each day.
Sometimes i'll do another small water in a ring around the outside of the pot (to help to soil not completely dry out) ... but don't water log it.

At about day 30 (about 1 feet+ tall) - you'll be able to water to run off every watering.

Question 2: Absolutely ..yes and regularly. Especially when it comes to training of any variety. For HST you could go a few shades darker!

What @blue said! :yeahthat:
Haha I love this guy [emoji23]what @blue said is bang on the money with your watering and feed for the week of two there are a few good treads about cheap as chips grows with the basics might help you 2 months down the road with what you should be looking for from your nutes and to get the most out of them happy growing brother and stay green [emoji1303]
You can get a sample of mega crop for the price of shopping bro

I was just going to say that!! Grab a free 1 kilo of megacrop, and a small(er) bag of redline and cal mag and you are set for awhile.

Just the mention, I had to post it! :D
Hmmm, I'm not from your side of the pond. I think we need some recommendations for a cheap and effective basic nute line you can get from a Home Depot store or similar.

You just need a Veg nute with nitrogen and a flowering nute. perhaps Skelly knows a magic trick or 2 :D
I saw that I can get a 230g Mega Crop trial for nothing more than shipping that should last me a couple+ grows. Add the sweet candy and that should be right in my wheelhouse be like ordering the girls a Po-Boy from Bourbon Street. :coffee: