Completed The Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition 2020 and Winner Announcements

:smokeout:.... looking great y'all! :greenthumb:

I forgot my camera last time, so I'll get pics of the transplanted girls later today,... After a few days since going in, I imagine the roots are starting to tap into the new KIS uber-soil so I'll see if the soil was cooked enough to not be too hot....
Still have to wait a bit for the picking of the three :eyebrows:.... For sure the F99 x Black Lime Reserve, Red Mandarine F1FV, last one is a tough call!

:toke: Cheers John, I'm sure she'll bring home the goods! Safety/security matters most, but it still sucks to see you put in this position,...:dammit:

Man do I hear you on the vermins! Aside from botrytis, it's the asshole budworms that are my #1 pest, only showing late season of course :cuss:... I do get a couple other 'pillars as well, remids me to order up some Bt spray... I have the SNS209 coming today! It ain't cheap, but it works pretty well as a "natural" safe systemic, rosemeric acid; makes the sap taste bad I think? Thrips and most other things fuck-off right away, others never really dig in much before they are spotted and mashed :pimphand:
I talked with my friends/cropshare's about maybe rigging some sort of mosquito netting during the later stages of blooming, and they said OK...:thumbsup:
Now I need to figure out how to rig it up KISS-like but effective! Doing this could be a game changer for sure though, so much less worry and shit....
I make a skeeter spray out of stale beer epson salt n blue mouth wash that works pretty good. Ive had lots of ticks this year n sprayed with tea tree oil dish soap n epson salt n they seem to have moved on all sorts of bugs to get rid of. Late in the season is usually when the plant eating bugs move in on me also. Being fully exposed has its advantages also its draw backs.
update hecno 6/19
@Waira Day 25 , weekly update . Not to good a week for her , cloudy and rain but clears up today thankfully . :thumbsup:
She's buding up nicely. She's a beast.... I didn't want her to get this big. She's crowding out some of the other's in her row.
Note to myself add more grow cage next year.
What can you say, she LIKES it there! :vibe:... same for all really, growing cheek-to-jowl is hard to predict and avoid with in-ground plants and the planting density you're running... To me that's one of the big challenges to this type of grow, how to arrange things and get the most out of your space and not clusterfuck the place either :rofl:.... exactly what the girls do, how they shape up is always the unknown in the equation!
Wow the BBC is cruising to a first place finish it seems!

Now we have some White Christmas photos. The green ones are the clone/mothers from last years grow. The not so green ones were the clones I took from those mothers. I mistreated them when I was really down. They are outside and recovering nicely.
:jointman: shrubs! The mothers are practically Bonsai'ed :wiz: .....'maters look great too 3-W's, did you find Ribbzzy's Get yer Tom's out thread yet? A friendly little tomato superiority contest there :rofl:

I make a skeeter spray out of stale beer epson salt n blue mouth wash that works pretty good. Ive had lots of ticks this year n sprayed with tea tree oil dish soap n epson salt n they seem to have moved on all sorts of bugs to get rid of. Late in the season is usually when the plant eating bugs move in on me also. Being fully exposed has its advantages also its draw backs.
....home brew chemical warfare! :amazon::rofl:
@Waira Day 25 , weekly update . Not to good a week for her , cloudy and rain but clears up today thankfully . :thumbsup:
better rain now than later! And after all, it's Winter there.... she looks fantastic in any case mate :greenthumb:
420Forever auto gelato update #1
update #1
@Mr B. from Female Seeds auto gelato, day 1

Pearl Day 1 ...into the brave new world! :yay:


she jus couldn't wait another day :rofl: choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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update jean-O 6/20
@Waira update on the 2020 outdoor auto photo grow! Im down to the blue widow as my only true photo plant this year as all of the rest are already into flower and Im not exactly happy with the FV's outdoors for what I am trying to do. They are great indoors though.
Here are my girls auto's first then the fast then my only real photo plant this year and the only entry I wish to have in the photo comp now the Dinafem Blue WIdow. I will admit I made a huge blunder this year running FV'S thinking I could grow them to size. I had too little knowledge of what I was doing and I FUCKED UP! For what I try to do they will not and do not work! Indoor for growing fast but bigger plants they are amazing and could possibly replace my autoflower grow for a minute until I get room for both. They should say light sensitive not fast flowering though as this is misleading. I honestly dont see them flowering much any quicker in my indoor grow and they stretch a lot more but I still see 8 to 10 weeks for ripe flowers in them! They are however much more light sensitive and a tiny bit of light decrease has an effect on them so change the name if you want to save face IMO....

Fast Buds Lemon Ak not a huge plant but she is looking decent! She is just over 2 weeks into flower now quite short but a bush! Not one of the biggest auto's ive ever grown but the flower is pretty potent!


CBD Crack FastBuds

FastBuds CBD Crack looking decent for the auto's this year just about 3 ft tall now and getting pretty thick..

HSO Fast OGKZ #1 no longer a photo entry she is in flower she looks good and smells real fruity



Dinafem Quick Kush into flower and no longer a photo contender

Blue Widow Photoperiod From Dinafem My only Photo contestant I entered I do not want to run any of the FV for the Photo contest pic..

They are all starting to look alike now/


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update 4-D rock 6/20
Not goin so hot over here. We’ve had just a yo-yo of weather conditions, nearly freezing a couple evenings during some storms, then a few days later up to 30-35C. Just slowing them down constantly. Fantasmo Express is a bit of a runt too. Hoping that once they get a bit more established they take off, but we’ll see
Week 2
update 3-W's 6/21
Morning all you out of doors types!
Things are moving along nicely. The clones are perking up and my two Tyrone Specials are up too. Here’s to a good season.