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Plants are looking good mate :d5:....hows the weather down there at the moment?....26c and nothing but sunshine here today!
hey GB mate ! It was very cloudy this morning and but the sun has burnt it off so nice and sunny 22c coolish warm day. :pass: :d5:shes a big auto Dinafem Autocookies mate

I have myc fungi form this place, also neem meal, kelp , livng soil, recharge for soils , etc fulic NTS acid
Interesting. Didn't expect the don't foliar unless sick would get such a mix response.

Its more money, more time, and more risks (mold/light burns).
If the root system is kicking ass, its getting everything it needs.
Good bacteria live on the leaf surface.
So that limits the amount of stuff i can spray on it.

Kelp and humic is great, but not enough for me to want to make it a part of my program.

But that's just me personally.

My goal is - Most amount of reward for least amount of effort. Living soil is <3.
I wouldn't foliar spray unless the plants are nute def/sick. Just no point to it, make the plant grow roots.

But you're completely wrong.

If you were to only spray your plants when they were sick???

I spray my plants every single morning and every single night. every day unless it's going to rain but even then..I may.
I make microbe in riched tees. And everyday I sprayed the t on to the plant's in the morning and in the evening. I'll pour some into the root Zone too.

Because I'm feeding the microbes.

That is what it's all about when your organic.
You can't buy that shit in a bottle.
You can only Brew it and it will be alive and fresh.
The microbes only live for about 36 hours or so at Best when you make them freash as a tea. Like I do.
They have to have a air bubbler in there while it's brewing to keep them microbes alive and thriving.

Fresh brew

To know your microbes is to be a good friend to your plant indeed..

Spraying is one of the best ways to applicate microbes to your plant. They will build microbe colonies on top and underneath the leaves. So spray underneath the leaves and spray on top.

While you're spraying this enriched Yami tea that you could almost drink....You're also blowing off Invaders such as aphids spider mites leafhoppers and other insects such as caterpillars because you're always out there spraying the plant top and bottom of the leaf and stalk. Those guys can't get a good threshold that way.
I make all kinds of foliar teas. One of my favorite and easy to make T's is using a product called Boogie Brew. I use that as my base t along with trace minerals product called C 90 and then I build up from there. I used to trace minerals twice a month sometimes more sometimes less give or take. And then I'll add possibly raw brown sugar to that and maybe Alaskan fish fertilizer eggs coffee coffee grounds coffee milk...old tea banana peels orange peels anything that I can grind up and throw in a sock and let it Brew for a while and make some tea with. I'll put all kinds of crap in that stuff man to make the microbe Colonys thrive.
Because the moral of the story is it's all about the microbes.
The microbes are what feeds your plants. they eat and digest all of the biomatter and poop it out so then your plant can eat it. And that's how you can influence flavors. From what the plants already going to give you. you can now take an ad certain aspects of biomatter to it to create other flavors and nuances to the ones that are already in the plant. :pass:
Interesting. Didn't expect the don't foliar unless sick would get such a mix response.

Its more money, more time, and more risks (mold/light burns).
If the root system is kicking ass, its getting everything it needs.
Good bacteria live on the leaf surface.
So that limits the amount of stuff i can spray on it.

Kelp and humic is great, but not enough for me to want to make it a part of my program.

But that's just me personally

My goal is - Most amount of reward for least amount of effort. Living soil is <3.
Ok - Was hoping this forum would be different...

If this is what I can expect from mods here, then ill show myself the door.

Can remove me from the comp.

Hold the phone:welcome::cheers:

That wasn't meant to scare you off friend... you're welcome here 24/7 just like the rest of us .

Nothing was meant to you disrespectful in any way shape or form.. if you took it that way again sorry ...but that's on you.

This hillbilly don't play like that.

So that was meant to have you understand there's ways of organic growing. If your wrong someone's going to let you know and quick.

Just cuz you're growing in living soil doesn't mean you don't use teas nor does it mean that you don't use a organic foliar spray.
And that wasn't ment scared you off friend.... I'm just being informative and that's what I do and I do everything and back up everything I say with what I do. Come search me out and read my threads. You're more than welcome here friend any time any day. :bighug:
We all Converse here...we all talked...we all listen to one another and we all learn from one another. I'm not above learning from anybody.
But what I know is what I know and again I back it up with actual work...
Sorry dude. But it's just educational and constructive criticism. A growing ribbing so to speak.
Happy growing.:pass: