Completed The Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition 2020 and Winner Announcements

Update- Jpkindbud 5/18
UPDATE- day 21 outdoor girls ( that are still in veg cab) got their first taste of nutes... 1/4 tsp per gal 20 floz each.
update- Quentin 5/19
Update day grofo's. @Waira Week 2 in the greenhouse and weeks 3-4 for the contestants :amazon:.....we've definitely begun the show now. Some decent growth through the week. I think I had a slight issue with mg whilst the roots found their way from the coco, as I stopped watering/feeding daily since they've been in the ground. But that seems to have passed. They're a little light here and there but again I've no worries really. My main concern now is we've got new neighbours next door and their garden backs onto my GH. So far the old and present neighbours have kept themselves to themselves hopefully these will too and not get curios as to what's happening lol.

Cheers guys
Happy growing grofo's
@Waira i know I’m late to the party and totally understand if I’m too late to enter. I have a couple of Auto #2 (Lowryder #2) plants at 7 days old sitting in my tent. They can’t stay there as I have no space for them, so I’m planning on my first outdoor grow with them. Using Biotabs Guerilla Tabs. I will be putting them outside in about 2 weeks time.

My little ladies (in 2L pop bottles at the moment):

My grow site (in the 2 20L pots dug in to the ground)
update Jean-O 5/19
Update photos are hard to get ive had rain for a week straight n flooding. I was not able to grab a pic of blue widow or the ogkz yet my camera wouldn't work in the rain damn touch screen i will get those pics asap.
Dinafem quick kush n ogkz in background

Black Gannie Auto i think starting week 3 ish i dont have my notes on me.

Bloody cheese auto

Fast buds CBD Crack.

Hopefully weather will clear up n i can post better n all update pics. The autoflowers have been burried under water n dirt seveal times this week n they still seem to b doing good. The photoperiods are still growing quite well n everyone has adapted to being outside quite fast. 2 of the autos i know have longer veg times but im not sure about the fast buds how she will do with being transplanted. @Waira
I feel you. I moved to the desert and got excited about growing in strong desert sunshine, but this effing rain followed me here and won't fuck off! I'm getting tired of this little ACME rain cloud following me around wherever I go.

When it stops n the skies get sunny they are going to blow up ! Ive got my autos posted up on some straw so hopefully they wont get flushed under the dirt any more lol