Photography The Macro Thread

@KushNFT what strain is the top photo

It's Blue Himalaya by Short Stuff. It's had a troubled life so I don't think she looks like she should and won't yield much but the smell seems to be on par so hopefully the smoke will whet my appetite for another try.

She's stunning up close either way:thanks:
LMFAO why is it every time I get something new like My new Camera. I got a Canon T6i with a package,tripod,lemses and so forth LOL! and now everyone is getting better with pics and nicer cameras too LOL! NICEY NICE!! some excellent photographs going on too. well done!! I want to get my Nikon cleaned and tighened up some. the Canon is killer I just prefer the Nikon personally. but we'll see. have not had the time to dedicate to them just yet. but ill put a few more videos up on my thread and maybe those will help you decide ISO,depth of field and so forth. all four things effect one another and this guy(one ill post LOL) has some really really excellent advise on it too since he puts it easier than reading a damned manual as well. then you have dark shading and composition,but once the internals are worked and you find a solid constant point of reference of shooting these videos and simple setting will help you immensely imho :) nice work here guys,really nice :)
todays adventures in macro. Trying to get a good shot of the lady parts. the flash is still a bit strong....View attachment 703285 View attachment 703286 View attachment 703287

Flash exposure in ETTL is usually influenced by the entire scene so shots where the background is far behind the subject can often end up too bright.

Flash exposure compensation could be used to reduce the flash output.... On flash units there are usually +/- buttons which when in ETTL mode should adjust flash exposure compensation and in manual mode they adjust the output. Some cameras allow FEC to be controlled from the body too....much handier :smoking:
When I first got into macro photography , I would try anything to get closer to the subject. Lenses can be expensive, and out of reach for most "hobbyist" but, there are plenty of "poor mans" DIYs , and ive probably tried them all. Here are few that I think are cheap and can work in a pinch with things you just might have at home right now. These DIYs have been around for years.
If you have a DSLR, and any 2 lenses, the Reverse Lens Technique is awesome way to start.
Of course there are always extension tube DIY
The solutions above might not result in the highest quality photos, but they get the job done and can be a great point of entry.
DIY versions, will eliminate any of the automatic functions of your lens. Focusing and adjusting your lens settings can be a pain and test youy patience (especially with reverse mounting). Along with focusing issues, your DOF can become very shallow at high magnifications and close ranges, making it hard to get a crisp shot. I recommend a tripod/monopod or anything stable to hold camera still, at these magnifications, camera shake is going to be very noticeable and your nemesis.