Outdoor The Jokers Skyhighatry Blog


In need of meds!
Aug 9, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Super Silver Lemon Haze
Hello AFN

Gonna start a grow diary so I can learn what works and what doesn't in this little experiment.

I'll be using some tomato soil, 20 litre pots with drip trays and some fruit and veg granule feed. Should be interesting [emoji12]

The tomato soil...



Soil NPK...

Food NPK...

My grow space...

My grow light...

Not a cloud in the sky [emoji41] ...

I'm going to buy some seeds sometime this week. Don't know what I'm after yet but hoping the shop has some indica based autos for sale. Been a while since I grew but a bit of kush would be lovely I reckon [emoji16]
Aww Dave! Looks lovely mate.. Just keep the mutt away! [emoji6]

That feed looks pretty strong bud.. Best go easy..[emoji6] Good luck and stuff..

Subbed up and front row. REESPECK. [emoji1363]

Fookin soil's pretty strong too..
Don't worry about mutley.... he's locked out of the rooftop now. As for the soil and food.... I know right!!! Was gonna flush the soil the day I germinate the seeds to weaken it a bit. So long as I get them growing it should be fine. The food will be given at proper small quantities to start with. Little by little eh.
Good luck man!! Never grown outdoors besides the plants I was given and had nowhere else to put them.
I've done autos outdoors here before but not for blooming ages. There's LOADS of sunlight here though so should be great. If anything I might need some shade cloth for them. Time will tell.

Well I was supposed to be buying seeds this week but as usual, life's thrown a spanner in the works and I've got to take bonsai dog to the vets! €220 they want off me. They ain't getting it in one lump that's for sure!!

Maybe I'll find a €50 in the street by chance. I'm due some good karma I think :)
Gonna tag along for this! :pass:
Not much happening yet mate but it will soon. I've got to spend my seed money on vet bills unfortunately but I have a secret cash stash in work that the misses don't know about so I'm gonna raid it tonight lol. Will 100% be buying some sort of auto seeds on tuesday morning. Watch this space [emoji16]
Best of luck Dave look forward to seeing this great space and what's that bright light in the sky in fecking Scotland it's just grey all the time ha ha
I do believe it's the sun mate. Apparently our planet revolves around it. Mad shit eh lol I never saw it until I moved here myself so it took some getting used to. It burns your skin ya know? Not a good holiday destination though. Melts your ice cream in seconds hahaha

I've been thinking about my space. I'm thinking of buying two of those poly tunnel hobby set ups and cutting the covering in half so only the left side of one and the right side of the other is covered. Then I might attach sove pvc poles across the top of them both so they have a roof of sorts, and covering them with mosquito netting. That way the plants won't get cooked in the intense sun, the wind will still get at them and critters won't be munching them as easy too. I'll probably fashion a door out of Velcro strips stapled to the netting and glued with some silicone to make it "bug tight" lol

That'll keep any nosey neighbours from gossiping about my upcoming drug dealing empire eh hahahaha

(NOTE: I'm not drug dealing btw. I live in a small town where Chinese whispers are rife and gossip spreads and gets twisted like wildfire XD)

On the subject of nosey neighbours - the guy living in front of me noticed me doing the clean up there. He invited me over last night to show me what he's doing in his roof. Turns out he's got plants up there too!!! Not healthy looking though. I told him to join a forum for expert advice as I only grow tomatoes and know nowt about the ganja lol Surprised me though. Wasn't expecting to see that at all. The guys an alchy and don't smoke.