Lighting The House of Vorkosigan

Tonight's pictures
Malcolm is showing pink in his crown IMG_6085.jpg IMG_6086.jpg IMG_6087.jpg IMG_6088.jpg IMG_6089.jpg IMG_6090.jpg IMG_6091.JPG IMG_6092.jpg
Morticia IMG_6093.jpg IMG_6094.JPG
Gutted for my stepson, one of his good friends from high school (he graduated last June) committed suicide over the weekend. Two of his friends came to our house last night to break the news that 'Banana' was dead. We called him while the girls were over to tell him (he's living out in the back-country with his best friend & one of our friends). Mike (our friend) is keeping an eye on D to make sure he's okay (Mike was a Chaplin for the local police for many years). My wife is not taking it well, she went to the national culinary championship with the team last year & loved the girl that killed herself.
Found out today that she hanged herself, we were hoping she did something accidental & not with intent. It sucks for the living but I'm glad the girl doesn't have to hurt anymore.
Gutted for my stepson, one of his good friends from high school (he graduated last June) committed suicide over the weekend. Two of his friends came to our house last night to break the news that 'Banana' was dead. We called him while the girls were over to tell him (he's living out in the back-country with his best friend & one of our friends). Mike (our friend) is keeping an eye on D to make sure he's okay (Mike was a Chaplin for the local police for many years). My wife is not taking it well, she went to the national culinary championship with the team last year & loved the girl that killed herself.
Found out today that she hanged herself, we were hoping she did something accidental & not with intent. It sucks for the living but I'm glad the girl doesn't have to hurt anymore.

Not good mate.

Such a waste, a while life ahead of her.

My thoughts are with you.
The plants are doing great in their super soil mix with regular waterings of Liquid Silica, Mammoth P, Demeter's Destiny (Calcium), & pH'd down with Hades Down to 5.8-6.1 range.
I started pollinating the girls last Friday. I used Mike's thawed pollen on Morticia and Melissa (both are showing acceptance and swelling) as well as using Malcolm on their lowers. Martha was pollinated with Malcolm on the lowers and Mutant Monte (trifoliate purple male) on the main cola...we are shooting for some trifoliate offspring LOL. I took Malcolm down today, he's now rabbit food, but he hit 23" (57.5cm) in a 1gal pot. I normally grow in 3gal so I assume he would be around 5" (1.5m) if I had thrown them into a 3gal!
As of today Martha just cleared 11" (27.5cm), Morticia is 12.75" (31.9cm), and Melissa is 13" (32.5cm). All available bud sites have been hit, now we coast until seed harvest time.
Morticia IMG_6120.jpg IMG_6121.jpg
She looks like her calyxes will have a blue tint to them IMG_6122.jpg IMG_6123.jpg
A little purple reptile fade going on IMG_6124.jpg IMG_6125.jpg IMG_6126.jpg
Martha IMG_6127.jpg IMG_6128.jpg
She's dark purple on the calyxes. I also noticed today when I lifted her top leaves she's dark purple on the underside, it is SO cool looking. I'll get a photo next time I shoot the girls IMG_6129.jpg IMG_6130.jpg IMG_6131.jpg IMG_6132.jpg IMG_6133.jpg IMG_6135.jpg
Another week of easy plant care. All girls took to being pollinated, greedy little wenches LOL. My goal is 300 viable seeds total from the three ladies so that I have some to play with and the rest return to the breeder so the strain isn't lost and others may enjoy the Mumbling Dragons as well.
Malcolm was fed to the rabbits after his services were rendered. Darth Bunny was very appreciative of the sacrifice (he's the biggest pothead of the lot).
Up first is Morticia. In person her calyxes that are reached by photons are a pale bluish-lavender and her undergrowth calyxes are tinged with pink.
I picked up the sign at my local grocery store, I'm sure they meant for it to mean something else LOL. IMG_6337.jpg IMG_6338.jpg IMG_6340.jpg
Lower bud IMG_6341.jpg
The camera doesn't really do the color justice IMG_6342.jpg IMG_6343.jpg IMG_6344.JPG
The undergrowth IMG_6345.JPG
IMG_6346.JPG IMG_6347.JPG
Up next is Melissa with her reptile purple fade on the leaves. Her lowers are tinged with purple around the buds like all of Martha's buds, it's interesting that she's a mix of two phenotypes.
Both Melissa & Morticia are 13" (32.5cm) from soil IMG_6350.jpg IMG_6351.jpg IMG_6352.jpg IMG_6353.jpg
Her main cola with little purple on the leaves IMG_6354.jpg IMG_6355.jpg IMG_6357.jpg
Lower bud with purple on the leaves IMG_6358.jpg IMG_6359.jpg