Outdoor The harvest of my little AKR.



The picture of the full plant is her, then there is pictures of her chopped up. 25 grams is what she gave me, now she is sitting in a jar, marinating. Haha. Will be harvesting my indoor AKR in 3 days. This one is the one that was in the infamous MG soil. Hope you enjoy. Not a big yield, but keeping it stealthy. One LOve:peace:
hey looking good! :thumbs: nice harvest:drool:if it makes me drool it's good! since your on that distinguished road.... lets send you a little further down it!
max rep for a sweet harvest! is the indoor a bigger girl? keep us informed!
Thanks astro much love.the indoor AKR will be coming down n three days. She is at 68 days as of now. Will post pics later today of her. And definitely will post of the harvest. She I'd shorter I LSTd her do to my box is only bout 2 foot tall. She will be headed to the dark room tomorrow for her last day of life. One love
will be coming
hey looking good! :thumbs: nice harvest:drool:if it makes me drool it's good! since your on that distinguished road.... lets send you a little further down it!
max rep for a sweet harvest! is the indoor a bigger girl? keep us informed!