Indoor The Giant Dr. Feelgood Project

Nice chunky looking storks you got in the aero there kush ! :cheers: and good luck with the trim job !!!!!:bow:

I ended up tapping out on the trim job when I ran out of room on the rack as I didn't have time to trim it all or enough room to dry it but I didn't let it go to waste and still ended up with more than I was hoping for. As soon as the Dr feelgood was off the rack the 2nd res of Auto Green Crack and the soil Dr Feelgood were (and still are) on it. Pics soon:cheers:

Next time I run 2 lights I'll get a 2nd rack lol:smoking:

Was hoping to get some bud shots done with my SLR but have been a bit busy so all I've managed there is a couple of quick snaps with a point and shoot to see if ideas are worth persuing.



Excellent ideas kush ! your adding a new world to the photography i aint seen ! good stuff ! as archie says that certainly bom worthy ! :thumbsup::toke::cheers:
Thanks guys, I'll take that as a go for outdoor bud shots then. Table top bud shots were leaving me cold and it's hard to put effort into setting up a shot if I'm not going to be happy with the result. There's lots of stuff I want to shoot outside though :smoking:
jesus! thats some haul, but i expect nothing less from you @KushNFT ! how many plants was that?

6 in the Amazon aeroponics system although next time I'd go with 4 and hope for a similar result. Need to post pics of the roots after I cut my way in to the aeroponics chamber... It got a bit busy below ground too!:thanks::smoking: