Indoor The Giant Dr. Feelgood Project

One of the Dr Feelgood flowers out of aeroponics.....


Thanks guys, much appreciated. Trying to build myself a nice portfolio and fine tune things as my experience mostly lies in other areas and I find pretty is more difficult than weird and wonderful and getting up close.:thanks:

Rest assured the same care and attention was not paid to capturing these images........was more into turning little dry bits of Auto Green Crack into big fat wet bits of Dr Feelgood.....


......really fat buds!:yay:

So fat my rack is sagging like it's never sagged before.....

I guess that's enough harvesting for now then:smoking:

Next challenge.....getting my pot back......


......think I'm going to have to cut my way through the jungle of roots as they won't lift out.

Will take pics but still got a little trimming to do after picking a few more decent buds out and getting rid of the popcorn as I don't have room to dry it.

Thanks guys. Well chuffed with the way harvest is looking but there was a couple of buds with mould as they had fallen against a wall or ended up covered as tops got heavy and limbs were falling about the place.....I'll know to use a net next time:smoking: