Indoor The Devil and the Rose

You're lucky bro lol

My girls kids aren't stupid but they ain't bright either. Wish they were mine so I could better control them however they do listen to me pretty good they understand that mom and I are a team and we are making parenting choices together although their dad is a rreal piece of work so I am sure they'll be brainwashed some day it's frustrating but at the same time I love kids so it's rewarding too
Haha yeah man when I was well um in my other job (don't worry I'm not a cop) lol we would always try and talk to kids first they love to talk

So it really is a question of how do yiu bring your kids up to know it's good but still illegal? I always had the thought that when the kids got old enough and wanted to start going out drinking with their friends and stuff I was going to allow them do have a beer with good Ole dad I always had the thought if yiu take the (haha this is so cool) out of it they won't feel so omg I gotta try it. If that makes sense

I understand exactly what you're saying! Raising children can make the simplest of things so complicated! I don't want to insult my children's intelligence and flat out lie to them about what I'm growing, but on the other hand, I don't want to burden them with issues they really have no concern with. Then again, I want to make sure they're educated, and understand that MJ isn't the evil drug it is made out to be. Then, I don't want my children to think that, when they are teens that is OK to partake, as long as they do it at home. I want them to be adults, with fully developed brains, before they start getting into this, if they do at all. So complicated...
Exactly bro lol I mean I would want my kids to know they could do about anything (note about) as long as they do it in a safe controlled environment example home. But I am with you I don't want them thinking it's ok I want them to be educated on the pros and cons (and I do belive there are cons with it as with everything) sometimes I feel like it's the lesser of the evils I have seen lazy scum bag parents that would rather smoke the herb than take care of their kids that's not cool granted I've seen alcoholics in the same boat I think all have a place when used responsibly
I agree. The best we can do is educate our children. When to start? That can get a bit tricky...
Mighty fine looking lady Bandit . as for kids , I have my 2 boys still at home - can't seem to get them to go and we grow together and smoke together , when they where teens I was very afraid of ice ect as it seemed to hit Australia in a big way as in every where but I was very lucky as the do not go near it , I explained to them the damage it will do and told them I had no problem with them and cannabis , as time went by they can now see the damage that ice has done to people they know , also I drink a bit of beer , to much the old flower recons , the boys being boys drink but not much , I think life style of the family plays a big part as they will make there own choices as they get older, all we can do is guide them along life's path and be there for them .
Hecno you hit it brother I think kids that grow up around addiction are either going to fall in your break the cycle and I think having a good stable house hold no matter the substance you indulge in is the most important thing
I agree, gentlemen. A good strong family and household is gonna provide the best, most stable foundation
A family that prays together stays together lol

Seriously though christ is my foundation and how I instruct and lead my family love kindness and compassion for others seems pretty straight forward to me
A family that prays together stays together lol

Seriously though christ is my foundation and how I instruct and lead my family love kindness and compassion for others seems pretty straight forward to me

I always thought it was "A family that smokes together, stays together!"