Indoor The Devil and the Rose

Day 92, and it's to the Fiskars for Sugah. She'll be going down tonight once the children are in bed. Got some assistance coming through to help me knock this outta the way without making it an all night affair. Here's her last pre chop pics...


Kinda roughed her up a bit when removing the net, though.
She looks tasty dude. I think I can smell her too. Oh wait - maybe that's my girls lol
she looks awesome! Sorry to hear about the mold on the other lady, but bravo for trying something new. I'm curious to see how Sugah yields out for you. I received 3 freebies from good 'ol Herbie and just planted one tonight.
She looks tasty dude. I think I can smell her too. Oh wait - maybe that's my girls lol

I wouldn't be surprised if you could smell her! She's a a funky one!

she looks awesome! Sorry to hear about the mold on the other lady, but bravo for trying something new. I'm curious to see how Sugah yields out for you. I received 3 freebies from good 'ol Herbie and just planted one tonight.

Thanks for stopping through, Bama! I think you'll like the SBR. Very thick and solid buds, nice resin coat, and she's heavy on the perfume! I can't wait to see how she smokes! I'll probably start sampling after a week or two of cure, so I should have a quick report soon

Here's a pic of the big bud of the bunch:
Nice one bro another added to the togrow list.. gratz on the harvest! Those t5's did work no undeveloped fluff under there thats tight ima definitely get that added to my setup. :smokeit: Another great grow my brother, cant wait for the next one.
I've got some sugar black rose beans as freebies on the way from Herbie's and after looking at this thread, I can't wait to give her a shot. I also ordered DD as I was ready to try for some purps. You killed it in that cab. I am going to see how these do outdoors. Respect to ThaGreenBandidt :grat:
The mold didn't happen until after I chopped the DD. It was dumb curiosity on my part. The paper bag dry method worked fine for me, but I saw a video for another method I wanted to try, and I failed miserably. Had to throw all the purp away, and it hurt. I was proud of myself, though, because a much younger version of me would've probably smoked some and sold the rest. Instead, triple bagged it and threw it in a dumpster. Hopefully that's the last time I get some bud to the chopping block, and then lose it. That's just ass backwards.
Sugah is the last plant in the cab, and she just started her dark period today, so I probably won't have any pics until right before she catches the blade on Friday

wuzz up Bandit?!?!? that sucks about the mold bro...! stick to the method you know best brother.! anyway thought i slide in here for min and see whats happening lol...! snap.!
Nice one bro another added to the togrow list.. gratz on the harvest! Those t5's did work no undeveloped fluff under there thats tight ima definitely get that added to my setup. :smokeit: Another great grow my brother, cant wait for the next one.

Yo, Jay, you'll love the t5's! No under canopy fluff, and they tighten the underside of the bigger buds up, too. The next time around, I'll be able to run them during vege, so it'll be interesting to see what difference they make during that time.

I've got some sugar black rose beans as freebies on the way from Herbie's and after looking at this thread, I can't wait to give her a shot. I also ordered DD as I was ready to try for some purps. You killed it in that cab. I am going to see how these do outdoors. Respect to ThaGreenBandidt :grat:

Thanks for sliding through and checking out my grow, Indi! You're gonna love the smell and the density of the SBR buds. Very stanky, very sticky, rock solid buds! I really can't wait to let the buds cure and see how they smoke! The DD, we'll I didn't get to smoke those buds, but they smelled glorious, and we're nicely frosted up, so I'm guessing they make for some bomb smoke! I'll dance with the devil again, best believe!

wuzz up Bandit?!?!? that sucks about the mold bro...! stick to the method you know best brother.! anyway thought i slide in here for min and see whats happening lol...! snap.!

What up Bonez??!! Yeah, catching the mold sucks, but I learned from it, so it wasn't a total loss. That's how I gotta look at it. Going to check out an area today, and if it's right, I'll be throwing some Magnum beans out there for the summer
Yo, Jay, you'll love the t5's! No under canopy fluff, and they tighten the underside of the bigger buds up, too. The next time around, I'll be able to run them during vege, so it'll be interesting to see what difference they make during that time.

Thanks for sliding through and checking out my grow, Indi! You're gonna love the smell and the density of the SBR buds. Very stanky, very sticky, rock solid buds! I really can't wait to let the buds cure and see how they smoke! The DD, we'll I didn't get to smoke those buds, but they smelled glorious, and we're nicely frosted up, so I'm guessing they make for some bomb smoke! I'll dance with the devil again, best believe!

What up Bonez??!! Yeah, catching the mold sucks, but I learned from it, so it wasn't a total loss. That's how I gotta look at it. Going to check out an area today, and if it's right, I'll be throwing some Magnum beans out there for the summer

hell yeah drop a Magnum brother.! you will not be disappointed...! i'm fixin to drop another (Magnum) DWC style along with this 2F2V i got going at the moment... thats right.! DWC...! whooo.! lol