God of Plants
AWESOME JOB Bandit! Looks awesome!!!
Day 92, and it's to the Fiskars for Sugah. She'll be going down tonight once the children are in bed. Got some assistance coming through to help me knock this outta the way without making it an all night affair. Here's her last pre chop pics...
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Kinda roughed her up a bit when removing the net, though.
" um ...dad u an mom growing pot?!"
I said yep an went He said " i know dad....don't be weird ". All is good. Lol.
great kid . Honesty is the best with him.
Yeah I mean on one hand I feel if we raise a generation of kids that knows it's not the most evil thing when used properly then they might further change the stigma however kids also are the best way to get information so if they do know what yiu do and they tell someone that could be bad news
In my opinion I would just tell them its medicine. That's about all you can do. I have a hard time keeping my daughter out of my outdoor grows(she's 4) she wants to help water. I can usually give her something else to do but daddies girl. She knows I grow my own meds and she's good with it
Guerilla that'd awesome I'm still trying to figure out how to Handel the cannabis issue with my girlfriends kids they are only 4 and 5 now but they walked in on her the other day smoking haha so I was just like yeah mom's naughty for smoking huh cigarettes are bad for you guys..
Yeah kinda panicked a bit I dunno yall got any advice on how to not get your kids all crazy about it