Indoor The Devil and the Rose

That sux bro!! Mold can be a real party pooper! But as you and learn buddy! BTW.'s about time for pix!!! Lol
Bandit, Get some Serenade for that mold. It's organic and I've had great luck with it.:Sharing One:
The mold didn't happen until after I chopped the DD. It was dumb curiosity on my part. The paper bag dry method worked fine for me, but I saw a video for another method I wanted to try, and I failed miserably. Had to throw all the purp away, and it hurt. I was proud of myself, though, because a much younger version of me would've probably smoked some and sold the rest. Instead, triple bagged it and threw it in a dumpster. Hopefully that's the last time I get some bud to the chopping block, and then lose it. That's just ass backwards.
Sugah is the last plant in the cab, and she just started her dark period today, so I probably won't have any pics until right before she catches the blade on Friday
Don't keep us in the dark dude! What was the method that did not work out so well?
Sorry to hear about the mould bro :karma Cloud:

It's all good, Dazed. I take it as a lesson learned. I'm actually surprised at how well I'm dealing with it! A year ago, you would've had to rip those buds from my unconscious hands in order to throw them away! Throw away some frosted up bud?! Hell naw! And it's some purple too!!! LOL!

Don't keep us in the dark dude! What was the method that did not work out so well?

I'm embarrassed that I even tried it, but here goes...
I saw this video of this dude claiming he gets his buds to stay sticky, almost fresh of the bud feeling, by throwing them in jars immediately after chopping. He would pour the buds out on the table for an hour for the first 7-10 days, then right back into the jar. After the 7-10 days, the time dropped to 30 minutes for the next week, then regular curing begins. Well, I decided to give it a shot, and the rest is history. This is one of those instances where the constant search for something better bit me in the ass. Needless to say, Azula is in a brown papsr bag, and when Sugah gets chopped, straight to the bag she goes, too
Damn bro that mold sucks, so sorry to hear of your loss! The purp even! DAMN!
Seems like this would work but it would be a slower process. I think the frequency and duration of air exposure time would directly related to how damp the buds were when they went in the jar. Seems like you might have to tweek it a bit on a plant to plant basis. But don't you have to tweek the time in bag a bit too?
Yeah, the times vary. I took the buds out, a minimum of twice a day, but I may have not let them set out long enough. Either way, unless my stash is at least a pound, I'll not be going with that technique anymore. One and done for me! I'll brown bag it from here on out
Depending on how wet the mold was, you can convert it to usable edible/cooking grade hash oil.

Wet enough for for the bud to be decomposing -toss it.
Wet enough to dry without it decomposing, go ahead and make an ethanol oil out of it.

With my process, I would probably smoke the oil I got from it, but I understand why some would not want to.
However, there is absolutely no harm from ingesting small amounts of borytis to most people.
Although, the same people that are susceptible to airborne borytis allergy are like to have a reaction to ingestion.

You can get a pure oil using a .5 micron syringe filter.