Grow Mediums The Coco Home Thread -- Calling ALL Coco Growers!!!

Stones slap im waaay to late. but im here and caught upp High 5 Nice work My Rebel brother :slap:'s-Nest-4Kg-Block.asp

Brudda Reb This is a coco I used this run ..and some of the dust chip kind but this at around 30% of the coco
Shit great for holding mound of Bacteria ...
I'll try and get some porn of this action m..
Coco and good feeding makes some oui wie. ..
Reb Just a thought. ..for the composters Sub cools super soil makes for great layering. ..

Has anyone truely layered it ....
Like a sandwich ...
I add like alot stated first layer coco then a good layer of perlite ..
Then about a 1/3 of compost and then layers a lil more so it would look like a Napolean desertt .
Or better yet Tiramasu lol

Anyway I didn't find it to be really a big deal but wanted a few more opinions!!!!
Great thanks for the help Rebel and thank you for all the great information in this thread.

Never a problem my friend! Best of luck!

Stones slap im waaay to late. but im here and caught upp High 5 Nice work My Rebel brother :slap:

Thanks RebelRoy!!! Much appreciated from one Reb to another! :smokebuds:'s-Nest-4Kg-Block.asp

Brudda Reb This is a coco I used this run ..and some of the dust chip kind but this at around 30% of the coco
Shit great for holding mound of Bacteria ...
I'll try and get some porn of this action m..
Coco and good feeding makes some oui wie. ..
Reb Just a thought. ..for the composters Sub cools super soil makes for great layering. ..

Has anyone truely layered it ....
Like a sandwich ...
I add like alot stated first layer coco then a good layer of perlite ..
Then about a 1/3 of compost and then layers a lil more so it would look like a Napolean desertt .
Or better yet Tiramasu lol

Anyway I didn't find it to be really a big deal but wanted a few more opinions!!!!

Sounds interesting... but wouldn't you want a layer of Perlite on the Bottom instead of Coco? I LOVE Tiramasu! LMAO The Wife and I both do lol Anyway that does sound interesting but never heard of it...
See in some of the containers the hole are large for the Perlite first ...
Guess in the Bags those holes are smaller ...
I would say yes cause coco holds to much water ..
I think I'll do those Clay pellets first ...

Guess it will take more growing to fine tune it more lol ..
That's what I was telling the Wife last night. I have grown in everything BUT DWC/Dro since I started! So I'm focused on dialing in Coco now!! :D Sucks how availability make consistency inevitable... or lack of availability I should say!

ill just make due with what i can get and right now its promix :D
At three weeks, :dig: coco. Could just be an infatuation. Will see if it is just flatulence within six weeks. :smoke:
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