Dutch Passion The CannaDrama Tabernacle: Take 2 with 7 x AU

I love having a peak inside your tents.
Pure inspiration.

With the rebar, chains, and intense lighting, it's like some underground Canna VIP BDSM sex dungeon.
I think so, I've heard nothing but good things about the Autopot's and from what is going on......it could certainly have been worse.
It's of course just a gut feeling, but I've never subscribed to the philosophy that it is beneficial to let the grow medium dry out a bit before the next watering, witness the power of DWC and other hydro ways(this might be strain dependent, dunno, don't have any experience yet to say anything with a bit of weight behind it, still walking my baby shoes into a comfortable fit!).

But I also think that the amount of light(in Watts) plays a big role.......in this grow the southside girls who have been basking in 1300 nominal Watts has done better, and I'm not being flippant, than the Northside moms who has made do with 2 x HS1.1 aka 150 actual watts with the 90x60 diffuser which clearly is not enough to cover 3 plants, even with some spill over from the generic Marshydro style lights on the Southside.

Then there is the Airdomes, how much they contribute.........only a grow with some plants without it will give an indication, but I'm trying to establish some baseline references for the first 4-5 grows.

The beauty of Autopots for me is that it's set it and forget it for 3-7 seven days depending on the size of the reservoir, and the plants ALWAYS has access to water and food, and in case I should get in a funky mood with additives, they can be watered topside too without affecting what is in the reservoir. I haven't even bothered to measure EC/ppm, because unlike DWC it will stay the same since the plants is not eating/drinking from the reservoir, and I let the plants tell me if the content of the reservoir is not to their liking.

I do keep an eye on pH and set it at 6,3 - 6,5(so my pH meter tells me, but I have yet to meet a pH meter that I would trust with feeding my cat and fish tanks for a week......)

Yeah, I think Autopots rock and they have so far been a blessing with the still unbelievable growth on both the first grow(in smartpots) and this grow, if nothing else for making it possible to skip the Advanced Operator License to a 10 L watering can.

That sounds to good to be true. I might have too get me some of them there autopot thingies :)
I can't imagine you guys would be disappointed, and it allows you to go away for some days with no worries about your grow. I have just purchased 2 x 210 L tanks to feed the bloom systems......a week in Portugal, Thailand, Spain or skiing in Austria is now feasible.....mmmmmm

I now have 18 XL Autopots, and will split them up in 3 systems, 1 for vegging with a 47 L tank, and 2 for flowering with the mentioned large tanks.
I aim to have 12 plants flowering at all times and 6 vegging until a flowering room is ready for them. just move the pots from one Autopot base to another.

And I can vouch for plant growth..........bit scary actually
hiding under chair.gif

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Thanks for dropping by Tony.........you're spot on, control is the name of the game. The supercropping, is that something you recommend, and what is your take on fimming, topping, lollypopping and snipping leaves(yeah, I've been snipping away at any leaf that takes my fancy, quite a lot of leaves lately, but that's mostly out of compassionate concern to feed and keep the Eisinia foetida happy in my recently established DIY worm farm)?
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The supercropping, is that something you recommend

Interested in the answer to this one too.
Supercropping is something I'd like to do, to help the LEDs get greater penetration ... but whenever I mention it to other hobbyists, its met with groans, a sharp inhale of breath, shaking of heads, and a chorus of "you'll seriously stunt growth and lower yields" ... but then others seem to swear by it.

Hey Corgy, amazing skills…Yeah autopots are the mutts nuts, i gave them a try with Think different, one plant with air dome one without, the difference was amazing almost ⅓ more bud on the plant with the airdrome. I can also assure you that ALL Dutch Passion autos can be super-cropped and they don't even slow down, i always put it down to the ruderalis genetics that DP use, you're in for a bumper crop, no doubt about it.
From what I can see, the Autopot + Airdome is essentially creating a DWC in soil ... correct?

The main difference being it is gravity fed, and therefore the benefit is a lot less maintenance and fiddly bits.
The standard Autopot system [sans Airdome] also boasts "no electricity". Correct?

But in simple terms ...
  • a reservoir/tank,
  • water lines,
  • roots growing into the nutrient enriched water,
  • and in the case of using an Airdome, that water will be highly oxygenated.

@Corgy ... if the Autopot system means nutrient enriched water AND oxygenation ... does it mean the soil medium becomes less important in terms of plant development and nutrition? Have you experimented with different soil mixes in combination with Autopot/Airdome? How much of a hydroton layer do you put between the water/airdome and the soil medium?