Dutch Passion The CannaDrama Tabernacle: Take 2 with 7 x AU

Day 51

Supercropping is the name of the game these days.........the plants are trying to overtake the lights, and the lights are now maxed out in height. Big Bertha has been supercropped at least 50 times, some branches 5 times including the main stem and each time with a 90 degree bend, and they all just motor along as if they are on EPO!
This supercropping "procedure".........If you ask me, it only makes them grow like some mutant amazon King Kongs

The AU in the Airpot has been moved out, so there is now 6 plants in the room, all in Autopots, and you barely can tell 1 plants is gone.

Flowering has started in earnest


As you can see, Big Bertha's leaves are now touching the diffuser, with not a sign of any excess light damage, no bleaching, no slow down, nada........she seems to like it and labs it up.....what the heck is all that about?

I will have to move the light off center and angle it at her as sidelight......means turning her every day 180 degrees.....I suspect all the others will need the same purdy soon......oh well!

Never a dull moment at the Tabernacle
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So... what is going to replace you 7 AU? You can tell us Corgy.

Well mate.......your namesakes https://www.autoflower.org/index.ph...melloscope-autopots-airpot-milk-powder.47253/

The AU's is motoring on, I still briskly supercrop any branch that takes my fancy. They are beginning to bulk up a bit rather than going for the sky. What is clear by now is that 150w of HS1 is no match for nominal 1300w of Marshydro style Chinese photons. The lights are still on 24/0.

Day 58


There is probably still a least a months to go me thinks......
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