Dutch Passion The CannaDrama Tabernacle: Take 2 with 7 x AU

ach so.......
The largest plant I've grown previously, I accidentally snapped off just above the second node. it was a 24" tall Auto White widow. The stem was hanging by threads. In three days she supported her self, and grew to be 43" tall and gave me 168 grams of bud! Till I tally the YDB harvest, thats still my best!

don't worry, she'll do fine!

I'm quite amazed at the beating those plants are taking, like it's nothing. Very cool.

Here's some pic's of the amazed Big Bertha....... After the world view at the top became horizontal, the summit was 139 cm above pot level until the Botanica-forming procedure,......I Wonder what will happen next......

Day 49


Not much to report, entering the tent is a "on your own risk" sort of thing......

There is no difference really between the North- and Southside chicas, they seen to thrive under any light thrown at them......albeit the Northside chicas is complaining that the Southsiders are mobbing them, calling them cheap and bag ladies...... just because they only use 150w of light.....tsk tsk.......

Big Bertha has taken to enjoying the daily ritual.......supercropping. The main stem has absorbed the "procedure" 4 times, I'm trying to get her main cola to grow in a square around the summit.........a rough measure of the length of the supercropped mainstem would have put her at 175 cm or so, with the height of the Autopot's(39 cm) she would have been a total of 214 cm.....you tent mongers, take notice.......those midget tents you are flogging doesn't cut it anymore, the seed Breeders make you look like fools


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Nice one Corgy, looks like you have your hands full. Just keep bending them into compliance :d5:

Thanks man........Yeah, I lie in wait, and when she's busy manicuring some pistils on the other side, I pounce, crush and bend.........and make a triumphant getaway.......works so far, sort of.......dunno down the line.......