Dutch Passion The CannaDrama Tabernacle: Take 2 with 7 x AU

your plants look outstanding very nice your a great grower

Thanks @dankmeaway, I just do the plants bidding!

Hey Corgy, amazing skills…Yeah autopots are the mutts nuts, i gave them a try with Think different, one plant with air dome one without, the difference was amazing almost ⅓ more bud on the plant with the airdrome. I can also assure you that ALL Dutch Passion autos can be super-cropped and they don't even slow down, i always put it down to the ruderalis genetics that DP use, you're in for a bumper crop, no doubt about it.

Thanks @Hazy. Yeah, I'm a great believer in aerating anything that can be aerated.....lol. And like you said, those Autopots are the bees knees.......wouldn't swap them for any other growing vessel!!!

And yes, I too have seen the supercropping effect on DP auto's......it's like peeping in your pants, only temporary relief and then it gets worse. I'll never ever again put 6 Auto Ultima's through their paces in a 145 x 145 x 200 cm tent......ever......!
From what I can see, the Autopot + Airdome is essentially creating a DWC in soil ... correct?

The main difference being it is gravity fed, and therefore the benefit is a lot less maintenance and fiddly bits.

Not quite......it is far from a DWC system. You are growing in a medium, the water is bottom fed and works it's way up through the medium by capillary action. I have 3 wicks in each pot, made by 3 braided strands of 10 mm polypropylene rope just to give an assist.
To my mind the Autopot system is not soil phonics like these guys here http://www.modularhydro.com/ProductReviews/Air_Injection_Technology.html
There is no bubbling on the soil surface.

The standard Autopot system [sans Airdome] also boasts "no electricity". Correct?


But in simple terms ...
  • a reservoir/tank, Correct
  • water lines, Correct
  • roots growing into the nutrient enriched water, Yes, and throughout whatever medium selected
  • and in the case of using an Airdome, that water will be highly oxygenated. Yes, and I also aerate my reservoirs, so the airdome is more there to oxygenate the medium rather than the water which is already saturated. By aerating your solution in the reservoir you also create an airlift circulation that keeps whatever nutes and such you have spilled into it nicely and evenly mixed and distributed in the solution.

@Corgy ... if the Autopot system means nutrient enriched water AND oxygenation ... does it mean the soil medium becomes less important in terms of plant development and nutrition? Not really, it's your choice. The Autopot is simply a smart on-demand delivery system of water, that water may or may not contain nutes, the Autopot doesn't care either way.......

Have you experimented with different soil mixes in combination with Autopot/Airdome? Yes, If you look back to the beginning of the thread post #1 it's all described there, Mapito, Corgy's very own Placebo mix and Atami lightmix. There doesn't seem to be much of any difference, what differences there may be is down to the individual genetics/phenotypes me thinks

How much of a hydroton layer do you put between the water/airdome and the soil medium? None, I really don't know what purpose putting clay pellets in the bottom would serve........there is a root blocking disc you place at the bottom with the (copper impregnated I think) golden side down to keep the soil from escaping, it is made of material similar to weed blocking soil covers, i.e. it allows water to pass through.
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Thought this might interest you… I few side by side pics i took of two TD's with and without airdrome.



As you can clearly see the root mass on the right with the airdrome is much more developed all over.

and here is a pic of the airdrome its self completely jammed full of root.

Thought this might interest you… I few side by side pics i took of two TD's with and without airdrome.



As you can clearly see the root mass on the right with the airdrome is much more developed all over.

and here is a pic of the airdrome its self completely jammed full of root.


Excellent pics, and nicely goes to show the benefits of air injection. I'm really surprised that not more people uses air injection(at least that's the impression I get), it is easy to do, cheap and running cost for a small air pump is in the 10-20 W range. I run 6 Airdomes off a nominal 45 l/m air pump costing 18 W/h.
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Thought this might interest you… I few side by side pics i took of two TD's with and without airdrome. this is outstanding even if using just dwc the air displacement is much better thru the root's i will be ordering for my 5 gal bucket's.



As you can clearly see the root mass on the right with the airdrome is much more developed all over.

and here is a pic of the airdrome its self completely jammed full of root.

Day 78 update

its going well Corgy, exciting times just ahead ..

Yeah, there has been plenty excitement, or rather containment, so far. In the name of overall yield I removed the smallest and most light starved plant.....just too bad and that has taught me not to underestimate the combo of DP genetics and Autopots.

they are all on full dose GH Flora Nova Bloom, calmag, and Bio-green X-plode, pH 6.4 - 6.5'ish

This one looks like it's just about done, probably in another 5-7 days I reckon

these ones are not just about done.....


Big Bertha, the main cola that was supercropped god knows how many times to keep her under control.......barely successful......if that cola fills out it will be more than 30 cm in diameter and some 60 cm tall no shite.....let's see what happens

Big Bertha is still big, but no longer the biggest......here she is on the right, being looked down upon by Sumptuous Louise


And in the corner there is Voluptuous Carla, she looks like she wants to take her time........probably another 3 weeks or so


And here is the Wanda Airpot

Excellent pics, and nicely goes to show the benefits of air injection. I'm really surprised that not more people used air injection(at least that's the impression I get), it is easy to do, cheap and running cost for a small air pump is in the 10-20 W range. I run 6 Airdomes off a nominal 45 l/m air pump costing 18 W/h.
this is outstanding even if using just dwc the air displacement is much better thru the root's i will be ordering for my 5 gal bucket's.