Dutch Passion The CannaDrama Tabernacle: Take 2 with 7 x AU

@Corgy delivers the goods again ...

I'm curious about your placing a small in the autopot instead of transplanting them.

OK, so the update didn't happen yesterday......sue me......lol

Day 39

It's getting a bit crowded in the habitat, and no way am I going to move them out, what with broken branches and such......

Big Bertha who still has the yellow jersey, now 108 cm small, and showing a few signs of thinking about starting to flower, some pistils here and there. She has been maimed, mauled and abused, every branch still get supercropped, some of them now 4 times.........If this is setting her back, then there's no telling what kind of tent height would be necessary to let her do things her own way!
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Feeding full strength Flora Nova grow, Calgel and enzymes, except for the gal in the Airpot who also get a little bio-root plus.

That's it, over and out for now!