Dutch Passion The CannaDrama Tabernacle: Take 2 with 7 x AU

I'm curious about your placing a small in the autopot instead of transplanting them.
@pop22 'You mean a small pot I assume.......so on that assumption; I didn't get the Autopots until the day the plants were some 14 days old, but being prepared for that I had cut out the bottom except for 3 small holding point, so it was easier just to remove the bottom and plant it like that. And as a PRIME NOOB under the influence of my own thinking(always a dangerous State of affairs!) I figured it would give a little more root height.....some 10 cm or so............of course, at the time I had no REAL idea what the pairing of Ultimates and Autopots XL ACTUALLY meant......next time I'll dig a hole in the floor and sink the pots into it to get more bud height, provided of course I can get the proper construction permits from the proper Authority

The lack of height really was detrimental, the copious supercropping had little to no effect in trying to contain the height. And supercropping in a grossly over-populated tent only moves the problem somewhere else. I also conclude that corner light in the shape of these here thingies may find their way into my rooms http://www.ebay.de/itm/180W-LED-Gro...670641?hash=item1c5666eeb1:g:5R4AAOSw0HVWCVcR and/or http://www.ebay.de/itm/340W-LED-wac...794050?hash=item1a0009d502:g:9~gAAOSwpDdVZW5S and/or http://www.ebay.de/itm/54w-81w-108w...hash=item5b12dbe2f5:m:mX6wlmurqwynDpBOO5OA5Ng in the 108 w version.

, I forgot to post the final dry weight for the 4,5 plants that made it to the finish line (one had the top so close to the light it did a pretty good imitation of the Atacama after a particularly severe drought, so I count that as 0,5 plant....lol), and the final dried yield was 1065 g or so, some had already departed to eager imbibers thanks to my wife's industriousness and her friends out-stretched vapes.....lol.

To be honest, I consider this grow a bit of a failure, not as a learning experience because I learned plenty and got duly humbled by the girls exuberance(underestimate the DP Ultimate at your own peril), but yield-wise it was disappointing me thinks
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Errr ... @Corgy ... yoohoo ... wakey wakey ...

You got dried weight of OVER A KILO from 4.5 plants.

How the fuck - pardon my French - is that a failure??

Let me repeat that ... OVER A KILO ... of dried product.

failure my ass ...


Well, you gotta compare apples with apples, or buds to buds if you like https://www.autoflower.org/threads/...-in-coco-and-airpots.43144/page-8#post-881949 and if I had had some more airspace by way of a higher tent and you know THAT story just as well as me, hadn't tried to grow 6 Ultimates in a 145 x 145 x 200 cm tent, yield would've been of a different magnitude me thinks.

So yes, I feel I failed to some extend, like a 50 % extend..........
well, not exactly an apples for apples comparison!!

That grow you linked to was absolutely the exception, not the norm.
I mean ... I get it ... one grower's success becomes the new expectation ... but then reality can be a bitch, and give one hell of a cheek slap, to remind us all that one man's exceptional grow and yield does not a minimum make.

... and it WAS exceptional.

250g + per plant.
That was your real world result.

250g+ per plant, across 4 plants.

Most growers would cut off their non-dominant arm and a random testicle [or breast] for an AVERAGE yield of 250g+, per plant, across 4 plants.

FACT: ... It wasn't that long ago that a yield of 250g, from an Auto, under LEDs, would have been trolled ad infinitum by the good ol' boys on the interweb, as hocus pocus, snake oil bullshit.

... but hey - @Corgy, I get it ... you feel a little disappointed that the incredibly high bar you set yourself wasn't realised.
I'm simply reminding you that you have still climbed heights that some of us mere mortals still gaze upwards to, and daydream of.

For my DIY setups, i'm moving to wide and shallow pots as some recent testing seems to indicate canopy width is predicated on root mass width, and depth beyond a foot or so has lless effect than width. I'll be testing that theory again in the near future. i did grow a blue Dragon in a low and wide 10 gallon tote that got quite big. I'm thinking using a tray under it with an Aquavalve..

@pop22 'You mean a small pot I assume.......so on that assumption; I didn't get the Autopots until the day the plants were some 14 days old, but being prepared for that I had cut out the bottom except for 3 small holding point, so it was easier just to remove the bottom and plant it like that. And as a PRIME NOOB under the influence of my own thinking(always a dangerous State of affairs!) I figured it would give a little more root height.....some 10 cm or so............of course, at the time I had no REAL idea what the pairing of Ultimates and Autopots XL ACTUALLY meant......next time I'll dig a hole in the floor and sink the pots into it to get more bud height, provided of course I can get the proper construction permits from the proper Authority View attachment 512109

The lack of height really was detrimental, the copious supercropping had little to no effect in trying to contain the height. And supercropping in a grossly over-populated tent only moves the problem somewhere else. I also conclude that corner light in the shape of these here thingies may find their way into my rooms http://www.ebay.de/itm/180W-LED-Gro...670641?hash=item1c5666eeb1:g:5R4AAOSw0HVWCVcR and/or http://www.ebay.de/itm/340W-LED-wac...794050?hash=item1a0009d502:g:9~gAAOSwpDdVZW5S and/or http://www.ebay.de/itm/54w-81w-108w...hash=item5b12dbe2f5:m:mX6wlmurqwynDpBOO5OA5Ng in the 108 w version.

And View attachment 512106, I forgot to post the final dry weight for the 4,5 plants that made it to the finish line (one had the top so close to the light it did a pretty good imitation of the Atacama after a particularly severe drought, so I count that as 0,5 plant....lol), and the final dried yield was 1065 g or so, some had already departed to eager imbibers thanks to my wife industriousness and her friends out-stretched vapes.....lol.

To be honest, I consider this grow a bit of a failure, not as a learning experience because I learned plenty and got duly humbled by the girls exuberance(underestimate the DP Ultimate at your own peril), but yield-wise it was disappointing me thinks
well, not exactly an apples for apples comparison!!

That grow you linked to was absolutely the exception, not the norm.
I mean ... I get it ... one grower's success becomes the new expectation ... but then reality can be a bitch, and give one hell of a cheek slap, to remind us all that one man's exceptional grow and yield does not a minimum make.

... and it WAS exceptional.

250g + per plant.
That was your real world result.

250g+ per plant, across 4 plants.

Most growers would cut off their non-dominant arm and a random testicle [or breast] for an AVERAGE yield of 250g+, per plant, across 4 plants.

FACT: ... It wasn't that long ago that a yield of 250g, from an Auto, under LEDs, would have been trolled ad infinitum by the good ol' boys on the interweb, as hocus pocus, snake oil bullshit.

... but hey - @Corgy, I get it ... you feel a little disappointed that the incredibly high bar you set yourself wasn't realised.
I'm simply reminding you that you have still climbed heights that some of us mere mortals still gaze upwards to, and daydream of.


Well, @Teetee =
Corgy though his own stupidity =

And it WAS not exceptional, it IS exceptional.......but Teetee grew 2 plants, so anything but, small chance of a pheno miracle to blame. What it boils down to is growing skills and awareness, and there I found myself wanting.........admittedly in the face of severely underestimated amazonian adversaries........but still!

Of course I'm not unhappy with the final weight per se, I'm unhappy with myself and the decisions I made.
Of course I'm not unhappy with the final weight per se, I'm unhappy with myself and the decisions I made.

errrr ... you're saying that the process was an invaluable lesson, and an excellent learning opportunity then?


So you got an awesome yield AND priceless, hands on instruction that you can now apply to all future grows?
Struggling to see a downside ...

For my DIY setups, i'm moving to wide and shallow pots as some recent testing seems to indicate canopy width is predicated on root mass width, and depth beyond a foot or so has lless effect than width. I'll be testing that theory again in the near future. i did grow a blue Dragon in a low and wide 10 gallon tote that got quite big. I'm thinking using a tray under it with an Aquavalve..

I think you are on to something, you mentioned elsewhere that your taproot was small on your first attempt but lots of filament root(presumably due to the air injection) and that was pretty much what I saw too when dissecting both Autopots and Airpots after harvest.

Hmmmm, where do I get shallow and WIDE Autopots and Airpots (nowhere.......), even just a suitable plastic container/tote/pail/Tub to-be-modded along those lines..........
............ahh, masons and their gear
and this as the bottom
, and the Pop22 way, 2 tubs with one inside the other, some separation support, and an aquavalve, some wicks.........say the 90 L model............
............this is shaping up as neat little winter DIY in the garden shed, some WeissBier to speed the process along..........mmmmmmm........
I think you are on to something, you mentioned elsewhere that your taproot was small on your first attempt but lots of filament root(presumably due to the air injection) and that was pretty much what I saw too when dissecting both Autopots and Airpots after harvest.

Hmmmm, where do I get shallow and WIDE Autopots and Airpots (nowhere.......), even just a suitable plastic container/tote/pail/Tub to-be-modded along those lines..........View attachment 512187 ............ahh, masons and their gearView attachment 512189 and this as the bottom View attachment 512190 , and the Pop22 way, 2 tubs with one inside the other, some separation support, and an aquavalve, some wicks.........say the 90 L model............View attachment 512191............this is shaping up as neat little winter DIY in the garden shed, some WeissBier to speed the process along..........mmmmmmm........View attachment 512193 !!!

The wide and shallow model is absolutely, categorically, 100% validated by both the outdoor tree growing fraternity, who regularly have shallow gargantuan sized smart pots, or similar, and measure yields in pounds, not grams ...

... AND for those looking for indoor validation, one only needs search for grow journals from 'Heath Robinson' and his indoor tree adventures, where his DWC was in a 25 gallon [114 litre] polytank, to grow an INDOOR Chiesel, with a final yield of 76 ozs.


You read that correctly.


76 ozs.