The AutoDuck Project!

i just notice that the duck has some Sativa phenos but i couldn't tell b4 due to the duck leafs but now i see it.
i'm talking out loud ,its what it looks like to me, then a gain is a duck linage --- wow so interesting strain :growing:

Yeah man, it's especially evident in this last plant.
93 Day Duck!


This thing is just chugging along, but I'm still waiting to see some resin production and signs of maturity. Looks real fresh yet, like it's got another month or so...damnit!! Very sativa influence in this plant, for sure. Gonna stay with her though, she's gotta start finishing sometime...right...??!





Nute parameters all the same so its just a waiting game now. The saga continues....


She ain't auto yet man. Wild strain for sure; obviously she's weed, but some kinda funky paleo weed, y'know?

I know, just wanted to commend you for trying to make her auto. She's a wild looking one, for sure! I only grow autos since I don't have the space and means for traditional photo growing, and I would LOVE to see this lineage go more mainstream, or at least get an auto strain so I can grow it for myself.

Best of luck with the project, the girls look great so far.
I would LOVE to see this lineage go more mainstream, or at least get an auto strain so I can grow it for myself.

There actually is an auto version of the Ducksfoot strain bred by some miserly tightwad somewhere on these forums but he won't release any to anyone; which is why I'm giving it a go. Many others tried and failed, I'm told, and I may be among them, but next run I'm hitting these ducks with Black Stone Dragon pollen and the process will really begin.
There actually is an auto version of the Ducksfoot strain bred by some miserly tightwad somewhere on these forums but he won't release any to anyone; which is why I'm giving it a go. Many others tried and failed, I'm told, and I may be among them, but next run I'm hitting these ducks with Black Stone Dragon pollen and the process will really begin.

Well, an auto strain nobody can buy or get as a gift may as well not exist ;)
113 Day Duck -- Harvest!!


This thing is finally ready, though I could actually leave it go another ten days, but my buddy wants his space back for a bit. Sure took its f-ckin' time this one. Nugs are tight and considerable -- heck, the plant is a beauty considering the pot size. Sticky buds but not overly frosty and, sadly, the smell is unremarkable. Hempy, grassy, green, and just a hint of hashiness. The leaves remained webbed till the very end. Been on water for three weeks and is relatively green and green smelling. Hoping a cure brings something latent out of it.
Gonna reveg it and eventually hit it a Dragon male. Space is getting scare with all the lads, so this project will likely limp along for a while.

113 Days, shaggy gal.




Shaved Duck.






Monster plant, and had her sisters finished, they'd have been identical. I'll update on the smoke after a nice long cure.


Nice work! Don't be overly discouraged by her traits at the moment; a line this unique is going to have some unusual traits and there's no telling how well they'll work once bred and crossed with other, more vigorous lines. Maybe you'll have discovered a strain that makes a potent, nearly odor-free growing strain that stealth growers adore!

Autos owe their entire existence to ruderalis, after all, and 100% ruderalis in the wild is some seriously shitty smoke. This thing could be impressive on its own, but even if it isn't all you need are the leaves (just like all we need from ruderalis is the AF gene).

Sending some max rep your way for this project as soon as I can. Keep it up, keep us informed, and don't let it die!
.....Autos owe their entire existence to ruderalis, after all, and 100% ruderalis in the wild is some seriously shitty smoke. This thing could be impressive on its own, but even if it isn't all you need are the leaves (just like all we need from ruderalis is the AF gene).... Keep it up, keep us informed, and don't let it die!

Not letting them perish man, got another revegging right now, and this one is now cropped and under 20/4. I'm gonna hit them both with a Dragon strain soon; meant to do it this run but I reconsidered doing it with BlackStone fems. I suspect these ducks were fems too because all three I cracked were girls. I'll wait till I got a regular male from one of my Dragon runs and that way try and save the hassle of reversing females every time I'd want to pollinate.

And you're right, she may surprise me yet. If I had to rate her, she'd be the slowest and least special of the three I started. One was a hermie so he/she now sleeps with the fishes. The next was a stubborn gal that wouldn't reverse no matter if I hit her with nukes -- and I practically did! Didn't reverse till I cut her down (figured she never would and you can't consume those tasty buds I'd blasted the shit out of), yes, she showed bananas upon fresh sprouts, then back to solid pistillate structures. This one will be shooting new green in about 14-20 days.

Great thread!



Early smoke report.

Buds still got too much moisture but they're smokable. And what can I say? Wow! The greenness is slightly hashy foundation but this thing has a cool topnote like menthol cigarettes. Menthol for-crying-out-loud! High is definitely sati dom and racy but no paranoia, and I bloody love that. I'm sure the smell will mature in the next few months and I wonder if this menthol thing will diminish or intensify. Seriously crazy strain this one!