The AutoDuck Project!

...You know it's possible, what with the auto-duck that is never allowed to leave home..... somewhere around here....... Would be awesome to have more than one duck auto-quacking around town........

Just holler when you hopefully need grow testers.

Yeah, I know about that poor autoduck that can never leave home; that's half the reason I'm giving it a go, and if it works out, this AutoDuck will roam far and wide, I can tell ya! Absolutely Corgy, will need many testers and soon as seeds are ready I'll drop you a PM.

Looks good South, when will you reduce the light period to start bloom? Also if you were to pollinate with your favourite auto male, would the duck foot leaf trait continue in F1?
Looks good South, when will you reduce the light period to start bloom? Also if you were to pollinate with your favourite auto male, would the duck foot leaf trait continue in F1?

Thanx man. Reckon I'd wait till around day 55-60 if they haven't hit budset. If so, they're obviously not autos and I would make seed to try a broader population. If still no autos I'd have to make and F1 hybrid with my prefered auto (probably a Dragon strain, I'm mad about 'em) and go from there. Sure, a fair amount of that hybrid I assume would be webbed. Those that're webbed and auto would be used to develop the line. Cheers.
This question goes out to those with ducksfoot growing experience. If South crosses his ducksfeet with a non ducksfoot male eg. Dragon variant, what are the odds of maintaining the duck foot leaf appearance? 50/50 or back to standard leaf. I have a theory that the male ducksfoot should be crossed with an auto girl and not the other way. Males tend to influence the effect and the girls influence the physical features.

Would that be right? Later this year I want to cross some stealth looking single leaf variants with my favourite auto girl.

Sorry to hijack this thread but it might be to South's advantage to know this in advance.
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This question goes out to those with ducksfoot growing experience. If South crosses his ducksfeet with a non ducksfoot male eg. Dragon variant, what are the odds of maintaining the duck foot leaf appearance? 50/50 or back to standard leaf. I have a theory that the male ducksfoot should be crossed with an auto girl and not the other way. Males tend to influence the effect and the girls influence the physical features.

Would that be right? Later this year I want to cross some stealth looking single leaf variants with my favourite auto girl.

Sorry to hijack this thread but it might be to South's advantage to know this in advance.

Dingo, you little beauty!

Hijack away bro! I too would like an answer to that because, after all, I'm working on assumptions. My whole 'breeding' experience consists of grows for guys who actually knew what they were doing and I was just another cog in the machine. I love slinging pollen but that don't mean I have half a clue; I'm gonna need all the help I can get. I'm pretty much of a mind according to a guy I knew who knew more than most, but all the help this project can get is welcome. A communal effort so to speak....

So, anyone with more real breeding skills than mine wanna comment on that very good question...anyone...?

33 Day Ducks!


Pretty sure I got two ducks and a drake! The Ca/Mg has recovered; new is growth is green and lush. I'll wait another week or so and see if I should switch 'em. These pics were taken in their new home.

Potential duck #1.

Potential duck #2.

Probable drake, this dude...

Lateral growth seems to be coming. I'll stay patient and hope my early sexing is right. If they show definite signs soon it may be a good sign, maybe.

40 Day ducks!


These ducks are taking their time sexing up. Still looks like two gals and a guy but I can only be totally sure about gal #1. Gonna take a chance and hit the one I suspect as the drake with Tiresias mist; just can't miss this window or the whole exercise is for nothing. Looking healthy and Ca/Mg under control now. Laterals are stretching well. EC at 1.2 and pH at 6.00 and seeing as they've taken so long to sex, I suspect they're not autos, like the last pair I grew. I'm switching the photoperiod to 12/12 tomorrow.

Duck #1

Duck (?) #2

Drake (?)

Not gonna fart-arse around with this one. Gonna get them budding and seeded ASAP so I got enough beans to work with on the next run. Hunch tells me I'ma cross them with a Dragon strain and clean up from there, but we'll see....

48 Day Ducks!


Ducks are in pre-budset stretch phase; notice I said ducks? No drake! The one I thought was male turns out to be a chick! Been hitting her with Tiresias mist four days now and I'm hoping for the best! Otherwise they's all healthy and doing their thing....

Duck #1

48 days.JPG


Duck #2






Okay, so now I know for sure there is no auto in these plants. The plan is to make more seed and hit them with a dragon strain. It'll be a big clean up if it gets to that stage...kinda makes me wonder if I had rocks in my head starting all this....
