Lighting Test grow with DIY light (4x Citizen CLU048 with 200w meanwell driver / DP AutoEuforia)


My my. Hasn't she grown!
I love it! The AE is my favorite smoke right now

Thanks! I cannot wait to try it out and see why it ended up being your favourite!

What can I say.... Quality genes from DP, quality nutes, nice light source and low humidity. I think I might actually need to do little defolation to allow better airflow if nothing else. She is pushing so much of leaves.

It may get really big! Mine was about 4 ft tall.... took over 90 days

Yeah I would imagine 4ft would be about maximum it will go. I like my plants rather more short than super tall though. Nothing nicer to harvest than compact bushes with mostly bud and least amount of stem and leaves. Lazy gardeners dream. :pass:
Great work, amazing light... Im building 2 panels of 8 vero29 se's each, both panels will run off of 2 hlg240-1750s, so 4 total.. About a 1000 real watts at the wall when cranked.. Super excited.. Just waiting on parts to come up from the states.. And my hps grow to finish.. Ill be watching this closely..
Great work, amazing light... Im building 2 panels of 8 vero29 se's each, both panels will run off of 2 hlg240-1750s, so 4 total.. About a 1000 real watts at the wall when cranked.. Super excited.. Just waiting on parts to come up from the states.. And my hps grow to finish.. Ill be watching this closely..

Thats going to be a whole lot of light! How large grow area that is going for?
I have an 8*8 tent, but only grow 10 plants at a time. So this will have 8cobs for each 5 plants.. Much better than 10 plants sharing 1*1000w hps.. Much more even distribution of light..
DAY 39

pH 6.0
EC 1.32

Wattage 150w
Distance to the canopy 50cm / 20 inches

Sorry guys I have been away for a while and done no updates for couple of weeks. My AutoEuforia is doing good. Had to bump up the feed again, usually my feed has always topped around 1.2 ec or so but this time she was only satisfied around 1.3 ec. This must be due to the growth potential due to the light. She is sure growing bigger than I expected and for a day 39, I don't see bud formation that usually should have already happened a week ago. This is hinting me that it is going to be a long ride. I am wondering should I give her a longer dark period in order to trigger the generative period or just let it ride out the 20/4 cycle?

Switching on the full power (200w) starting from today and see how it goes from there.


AE D39 overview.JPG

AE D39 topview.JPG

AE D39 sideview.JPG
That girl is going to be a monster! Mine went 92 days if that tells you anything.
Its my favorite smoke right now too.
@912GreenSkell is growing one right now too.

Yep mine is around the same age too...bloody embarrassing on my end compared to medgrowers!!(but I had nute issues and also purposely root restricted stunted her for around 16 days in 16oz ups to keep size down) I am just getting preflower started on mine....really slow to start!!