Sister Mary was in the vegetable garden at the convent trying to stop the crows eating here newly planted seed.

"Fuck off, fuck off, fuck of you bloody crows" she screamed waving her hand wildly.

Then the mother superior turned up to see what all the commotion and swearing was all about.

"Sister Mary what on earth is going on with all the swearing and commotion?" asked the mother superior

"It's theses crows they keep trying to eat the freshly planted seeds and I'm trying to scare them off" replied sister Mary.

" Well my dear the answer is simple, all you need to do is say shoo and they will fuck off all the same!"
Why dont lesbians diet and wear make up at the same time???

Its hard to eat Jenny Craig with Mary Kay on your face!
Little Johnny and Suzy where playing with the cat and little Johnny put gas on the cat and lit it on fire the cat runs fastest Suzy ever saw and fell over And little Suzy said Johnny what's wrong with my cat ? And Johnny said the dam cat is out of gas
Little Johnny and Suzy where playing with the cat and little Johnny put gas on the cat and lit it on fire the cat runs fastest Suzy ever saw and fell over And little Suzy said Johnny what's wrong with my cat ? And Johnny said the dam cat is out of gas

ha ha ha... oh my god!