Indoor Teetee's Dinafem Cookie & Blue Amnesia plus Night Queen & Toofless Alien

About your grow, ohh damn, i too know the disappointment of a grow that goes south yet remains good enough to get a harvest from. I sometimes think I'd rather have the plants just die and start over, seems less stressful than fighting to keep your plants growing! BUT... I too don't know when to quit lol! Looks like you'll have a decent harvest none the less.

Smokey.... thanks for the pep talk too Bro... amazing what a simple thing like keeping up with the waterings can do!
A 1.8m plant in a 20L pot... what's she gonna be like if you give her room to stretch her feet.... I must take a look and see how the old Northern Rivers classic's doing!

These are all from day 88, some macro shots of the main colas.
Hey TeeTee, ive messed up waterings a few times esp when I ddint keep a diary and just took a mental note. Yes should should have gone in the 40L pot, the poor Nimbin girls, but they are doing well and the large girl has been unlukcy, first a fungi atach, then grubs (pillars) , which i pick off, and check each day, to top that off hen all these tiny little flying things end up stuck on her buds lol, its an insect mecca here. I hope the last 2 seeds of the Nimbins are girls as i want to try a ground grow or large pot to give her room to stetch her feet

Your girls are looking great Bro, nice and frosty thats for sure. I decided to try antispiral pots for the photos this time i got 35L pots, they seemed a nice price at Nerang Hydro store at 14$
About your grow, ohh damn, i too know the disappointment of a grow that goes south yet remains good enough to get a harvest from. I sometimes think I'd rather have the plants just die and start over, seems less stressful than fighting to keep your plants growing! BUT... I too don't know when to quit lol! Looks like you'll have a decent harvest none the less.

Mate, these Girls are at the 100 day mark, and still going, I've had to chop the main cola off the Blue Amnesia to prevent mould, but got moud on the Night Queen and Toofless Alien main colas..... managed to get a few ounces, and ket them going for a final push.
Hey TeeTee, ive messed up waterings a few times esp when I ddint keep a diary and just took a mental note. Yes should should have gone in the 40L pot, the poor Nimbin girls, but they are doing well and the large girl has been unlukcy, first a fungi atach, then grubs (pillars) , which i pick off, and check each day, to top that off hen all these tiny little flying things end up stuck on her buds lol, its an insect mecca here. I hope the last 2 seeds of the Nimbins are girls as i want to try a ground grow or large pot to give her room to stetch her feet

Your girls are looking great Bro, nice and frosty thats for sure. I decided to try antispiral pots for the photos this time i got 35L pots, they seemed a nice price at Nerang Hydro store at 14$
Which Nerang store Bro... and are they discreet and safe???... what do these pots look like, are they Rocket pots like mine or something else? Glad you're keeping the bugs at bay... these long sunny days are lovely now that it's a bit cooler, but I'm looking forward to a nice hot Friday!
Hi Tee Bro, the store along the front off the highyway is the one, not even sure the other is opened. Its just another street down. I would say they are safe and seem to have good review on google. They are very clean with masks and sanitizers so, maybe cleaner than say Bunnings. I have not ordered from them, but there website says 90% of orders are sent 4 working days.

This is there website:

I saw they also had Rocket pots, but i went for the cheaper Antispiral, which is similar and least cant over water, eps in the cooler seasons like winter



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I saw they also had Rocket pots, but i went for the cheaper Antispiral, which is similar and least cant over water, eps in the cooler seasons like winter

They look great Smokey mate, I'd think about putting some holes in the sides of those grooves on the bottom?
I'm gonna head there and see what they have, but I'm so paranboid about parking up outside and getting followed home. I'd get a cab and pay cash, but cabs are not such a great idea right now... neither's handling cash FFS!
I'm hanging onto the hope that smoking is the Covid cure..... and all this self isolation means I am caned 24/7! Doctors orders!
Hey Tee mate ! More holes in the pots, you think maybe Sure beats the old pots and maybe bigger plants and yield also with the root prunning.

I never thought about that, being followed home. If you are concerned just park at a nearby business and not outside the store. I think with the corona now, things probably are much better for growing etc now. Its a busy store so I think it would be safe so dont worry Bro and save yourself the cab fares, and with the corona not sure if they even opporate, , about 80% of Robina Town centre seems closed. Another thing , maybe pre order so you just have to pick it up and get out sooner.

Seriously believe smoking the herb will help with flues etc to some extent. Mums rare conditon, she'd benefit from CBD but we cant get her to try it yet lol but keep trying
If it's legalities that your Mum's worried about, why not sneak her over the border and see this GP... in Byron.....

copied from the Byron Echo last week...

Medical cannabis clinic opens in Byron
Mandy Nolan
In 2016, the federal Narcotic Drugs Amendment Act 1967 was amended to allow doctors to legally prescribe medical cannabis to patients with specific health conditions through the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Special Access Scheme.
However, there hasn’t been a huge uptake in doctor’s prescribing cannabinoids, with many potential patients unclear of how to access prescriptions.

Dr Jamie Rickcord has just opened Ananda Clinics in Byron last week, and believes most doctors aren’t informed and that patient demand in a few years will see them prescribing medical cannabis as common practice.
It’s something he is passionate about seeing happen. ‘I hope in that time, I will be out of business because everyone will be prescribing.’
Originally from London, Jamie moved here about eight years ago. He formerly worked at the Lismore Base hospital before going into practice as a GP.
Jamie started investigation into integrative plant medicines and cannabinoids because he wanted to find treatments that he believed actually worked.
‘I find opiates virtually impossible to deal with now,’ he says. ‘While some of the pain killers out there are very good – people don’t take responsibility for the other things they need to do to fix their pain. It becomes a false sense of security. Diet and exercise are part of practices that can help. The bio-medical model will say that it’s all in your head, but that’s not the way to deal with it. People just want to take a tablet and be instantly fixed. I realised there is a better way.
‘A lot of conventional approaches put people in a fight or flight mode, so that physiological responses don’t allow for healing and how to improve connections. If you take them into a parasympathetic response, they heal slowly.’
Rest, digest and heal
‘The ethos is: Rest, digest and heal. The body won’t heal while it feels it is being attacked – so many humans are living in that place where they haven’t dealt with old traumas, and that ramps up cortisol and adrenalin and doesn’t allow the body to improve.’
Dr Rickcord believes that cannabinoids provides a more wholistic approach to healing, including processing trauma.
‘We all think intergenerational trauma applies just to Indigenous communities, but it apples to vast swathes of society. Many think they had a perfect childhood, but years later, you discover how that has impacted on you.’
Mental health issues are one of the areas the TGA will approve for prescription of cannabinoids.
‘The TGA has approved cannabinoids for use in certain medical conditions that have had to last for more than three months. They include anxiety, depression, chronic pain, cancer pain, nausea from chemotherapy, ADHD and autism.’
False narrative
Jamie believes that the community uptake of such a powerful and natural drug has been slowed by the narratives around marijuana and weed culture.
‘We have to change the narrative around these medicines. This is not marijuana or illegal drugs for recreational use. Cannabinoids are highly potent pharmaceutical grade medicines, grown and produced under medical conditions.’
‘The science is catching up with what we have always known – there are people doing fantastic research around the planet and who are proving this is an amazing treatment. We are still breaking through this false narrative that this is nasty or bad. The propaganda around the war on drugs has made us think drugs are bad. But look at what alcohol does – it’s totally acceptable!’
Jamie is also chairman of the Byron Bay chapter of the non-for-profit Mind Medicine – who lobby for the introduction of MDMA and psilocybin to treat mental health disorders.
Some of these treatments for trauma-related illness have been shown to be significantly more effective than existing pharmaceuticals.
Jamie believes the government and the health industry are ethically obliged to provide medicines that work.
The introduction of these medicines, however, will have an impact on the pharmaceutical industry.
‘These curative medicines have nothing to do with big pharma. A whole new era of medicine needs to be born.’
Jamie has set up a clinic in Byron because he believes when it comes to health, we are proactive in seeking more engaged and natural approaches.
Working with cannabinoids and plant medicine is not quick.
‘It’s slow extraordinary change – it’s not a quick fix,’ says Jamie. ‘It takes weeks and months sometimes.
‘Everyone is different’. Everyone’s endocannabinoid [biological] system is different. We start with low doses, and titrate it to find out what works for them. Some of the patients I work with have stopped using opiates altogether.
‘The industry-wide expression is start low, go slow.‘
A pharmacy in the Byron Industrial Estate has come on board to provide Jamie with access to the prescriptions needed for patients.
The Ananda Clinics are located at Suite 8b, 9 Fletcher Street, Byron Bay.
For more info visit or call 56 245 024. Telehealth appointments and socially distanced consults are available.

There's also a place in Uki that's good for CBD oils... tailor made to the condition. I have a mate who goes there for his seizure meds, used to have them daily, broken teeth even... but none on the CBD's.

Mate, we're so local, ha ha ha.... looking for a good place to dump mouldy bud and leaves from my harvesting... back in NSW I'd just chuck it down the hill, but now I'm paranoid some animal will drag the lot out and spray it all over the road etc! I have to cut down the intake... paranoia is a menace.
Hey Tee
Thanks Bro for the link that Doctor sounds great and also the Australian Cannabis Uni sells seeds and oils, they are at Kunghur near Uki so maybe its them. Also Dr Jamie is right about the mushrooms, they really do help, reset things, though, not all the time as some youngsters might take them, they can lead to problems I read.

What we were thinking prior to Mum being diagnosed, to give her canna to help with her night sweats and then one hospital gave hinted she had end stage lung cancer so 2020 started off being the worst, and lucky the good Gold COast Uni hospital had a good doctor there and he was very sure it was EGPA. This pregnazone is not a nice drug to keep taking why we wondered about CBD etc. I have 2 jars of it atm, as we love THC lol.

The famous Charlottes Angel CBD and the little girl Charlotte with the seizures, that treated her, another example of this awesome plant they still have being illegal, stupid, the pharmicuidales are $$$ companies and would never want it

Maybe just burn it mate the mould bud and leaves in an outdoor fire. One side effect the paranoia, dry mouth, without any medication always a trade off. Wrap it a few times in plastic bags and dump it in the bin also.

EGPA, which Mum was diagnosed with
Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA), formerly called Churg-Strauss syndrome, is a form of vasculitis—a family of rare diseases characterized by inflammation of the blood vessels, which can restrict blood flow and damage vital organs and tissues. EGPA is one of the rarest forms of vasculitis and primarily affects the small blood vessels. Individuals diagnosed with EGPA usually have a history of asthma or allergies.

EGPA can affect the lungs, sinuses, skin, heart, intestinal tract, kidneys, nerves and other organs. EGPA is known as an ANCA-associated vasculitis, referring to a blood protein (anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody) that attacks the body’s own cells and tissues. Other forms of ANCA-associated vasculitis include granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) and microscopic polyangiitis (MPA). The detection of ANCA in the blood can support a diagnosis of EGPA in some patients.

EGPA is a serious but treatable disease. Treatment typically includes corticosteroids such as prednisone used in combination with medications that suppress the immune system. A new medication has been added to the treatment toolbox. In late 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of the biologic drug mepolizumab for the treatment of EGPA in adults in the United States.
day 98 and beyond - chop time
OK so it has been well over a month since my last pics... it was day 88 and they were looking sticky and close to harvest.
They are all down now, so let's tie up all the loose ends...

Before I go on, I have to say this has been a crap grow... I started them off in Solo cups housed in a large cardboard box with just a 100W LED over them. I had originally planned to repot them and put them in a tent with a 400W LED each at around day 20, but had to delay this because of house inspections and repairs.

The plants were root bound in the tiny Solo cups and repotting them into 25L airpots stimulated the plants to spread out and continue growing their root systems, forcing them to re-veg.
Giving them a drastic change in pot size on day 33 was too late as they were already starting to flower and should have been slowing down on root development and concentrating on making buds.

The Toofless Alien was very small anyway, but well into flowering by the time I repotted her, so what was already blooming became the main cola, and the side shoots revegged and took time to build up new colas.

The main cola was riddled with mould on day 85, so I cut it off and kept the rest going. This was how she looked on day 86, the main cola was in the middle, this is what was left...

I cropped the smaller stems (which were perfect) at the front and left there on day 89, and the 3 taller stems at the back remained.

This is one of them closer up, you can see how immature it is for day 86....large.5e81fe441c9ed_day86TA2.JPG

Here's the Toofless Alien again on day 98... those new colas really filled up!

I eventually chopped her on day 105, she's been dried and I now have a jar of very hard sticky nugs!
Test smokes confirm this gear is just as good as my previous runs, only much less quantity. I didn't weigh it but it's just under 3 ounces.

Next the Blue Amnesia. Here she was on day 98...

I had taken a couple of side stems off on days 93 and 97 to test smoke, and eventually harvested her completely on day 106.
I lost a little bit of the main cola to mould, but the rest was all good.

Seeing mould in the main cola sent me into panic mode, and the next day (107), I chopped the Cookies.
Here she was on day 98....large.5eb56c8c25f72_Day98Cookie.JPG

Again, I lost a little bit of the main cola to the dreaded mould, but I left 2 stems going because they weren't fully developed, and looked good enough to go on a bit longer.

Here's the Cookies again on day 119...... yes that's right, an Auto on day 119!!!!!!!!!

...and she was still chucking out loads of white pistils!

I eventually took this last nibble of Cookies down a few days later.... maybe day 122. Those 2 stems are still drying, but the rest of her is all jarred up for curing, along with the Blue Amnesia and Toofless Alien.... minus a bit for test smokes.... it was all very nice, so I'm looking forward to the cured end product.

Finally the Night Queen..... she was looking good on day 98....

.... but the next day, I spotted some mould in the main cola.... I cut it off, and it was completely full of mould inside.... but the rest of the plant seemed OK.

Late on day 105, I had finished cropping the Toofless Alien and I checked on the Night Queen.... FFS more mould, so I took her out of the tent and got on with harvesting the others, which is why the Blue Amnesia came down on day 106 and the Cookies on day 107.

On day 108 I salvaged a little bit of bud from the Night Queen, but most of it was lost to mould. We've already smoked what we got out of her... I didn't even jar it, just straight out of the paper bags.

As I mentioned earlier, I haven't weighed any of this crop... I just couldn't be bothered.
By my calculations though, we've already probably smoked about 6 or 7 ounces of bud already, and we have about 8 ounces jarred up.... my lowest yield yet, but understandable seeing as I delayed repotting them until it was way too late to do so.

Lesson learned... don't repot autos once they are flowering, especially such a massive change from a piddly Solo cup to a 25L airpot!

I knew this would be a shitty grow, so I planted 4 more seeds back in early March.... I had them in the same tent, and here they were all crammed in on day 98....
Clockwise from top left, the old plants are as follows.... Blue Amnesia, Toofless Alien, Night Queen and Cookies.

From above you can see the 4 newbies more clearly....
Clockwise from the top, the new plants are as follows.... Colorado Cookies, Daiquiri Lime, Blue Amnesia and Night Queen.... they are at day 29 there, but are currently on day 58 and well into flowering.

As you can see, they are in 5L standard pots..... and I repotted them into 20L airpots on day 39... on 4:20, or as we (correctly) like to say, 20th April.

Yup, repotting on day 39.... when will I learn?

Anyway, despite the late repotting, (this time my excuse is the fact that I had planned to have the 25L airpots from the old grow available much sooner, but things dragged on...) they are doing OK..... well, the Colorado Cookies and the Blue Amnesia are great, the Daquiri Lime is smaller, and a bit on the droopy side, but still flowering OK, while the Night Queen is enormous and has slowed it's flowering down.... I may have to supercrop her main cola cos she's getting pretty tall, and seems to be going through a second stretch before she hopefully fills out.

I'll start a new thread on the new grow soon and show you the current state of affairs... I just wanna end this journal ASAP and forget about it!

Thanks for witnessing this complete and utter shambles. I hope to resume normal service very soon!
Post harvest conclusions
So this shambles of a grow is finally over, it's been crap but there's plenty to learn from all of this.....
  • If you're gonna start Autos in small pots, you have to pot up before they start flowering... ideally before the 28 day mark.
  • don't skimp on feeds, especially if they're in smaller pots
  • stake them out and maintain good airflow - defoliate if necessary
  • repotting Autos in early to mid flower can cause them to re-veg and flower again. The new buds will be fine but the older buddage will go mouldy inside.
  • you CAN partially chop a plant and let it run for another couple of weeks before cropping the rest
Although the repotting / revegging / prolonged flowering was a bit of a disaster... this may be of use for growers who have had a bad start with their Autos, and are going into flowering with feeble plants....
  • repot them into much bigger pots to stimulate the re-veg,
  • let them develop
  • sacrifice the main cola before it sucums to mould, knowing that it's gonna be useless anyway.
In all cases with this grow, the revegged bud has been worth the wait in terms of quality and quantity.

Please come over and join me on my new grow, you'll see how I haven't learned my lesson about repotting in time!