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@auto opie I use COLLOIDAL SILVER with the minimum 50 ppm. I spray them the moment they start to flower 2 times everyday for a couple of weeks. I have had great luck doing it, but you can use the plant you spray. However using the pollen is perfectly safe. I usually put what I'm crossing in a small 1 gallon container since I only need it for the pollen.
Arhhh finally caught up with all this. Again thank you !

Can I ask about potting up and watering.
Once you pot up with Plagron Light Mix, roughly how much do you water the new pot before you pop your seed in ?
Thanks :)
Oh and one last thing :)
Do you still magnetise your water? This was mentioned right at the beginning and there was a link but the link is now dead.
Ive never done this and know nothing about it.
Okay, so I read through this thread in it's entirety, and I'm giving it a try, already grabbed the whole AN line (more than I needed actually). Picked up the air pots as well 5.5gal (21Liters roughly), and promix HP as my base. I've got 12 fems at 3 weeks and 12 more at 3 days. The system has already been working well, though it's a big change of pace from watering once every week or so. I started with 250ml of water a day for the babies, and 500ml for my 3 week olds. You seem to be reluctant to give any advise on how much water to give your plants at each stage, but I was curious as to how often you increase the amount of water given and by how much you increase when you do. I understand if you simply do everything intuitively, but are you increasing the amount watered daily, weekly, other? And do you increase by 50ml, 100ml, or 500ml+ when you do increase the amount given? Also, do you choose to water twice daily when the plants get larger or is it required? What I mean is could you give twice as much water once per day, or would that cause run-off which you like to avoid? I simply don't have the time to be in my garden twice a day, so I assume I'll be okay with the larger pots either way. Sorry for the long message, especially from a noob to the forum, but your youtube videos were so impressive I felt the need to inquire a little more.

Thanks man, jbmoviefan
Oh and one last thing :)
Do you still magnetise your water? This was mentioned right at the beginning and there was a link but the link is now dead.
Ive never done this and know nothing about it.

Hay bro yeah it's still on, it was here when I moved in so may not even work lol, here's the thread https://www.autoflower.org/threads/magnetised-water.25441/

Okay, so I read through this thread in it's entirety, and I'm giving it a try, already grabbed the whole AN line (more than I needed actually). Picked up the air pots as well 5.5gal (21Liters roughly), and promix HP as my base. I've got 12 fems at 3 weeks and 12 more at 3 days. The system has already been working well, though it's a big change of pace from watering once every week or so. I started with 250ml of water a day for the babies, and 500ml for my 3 week olds. You seem to be reluctant to give any advise on how much water to give your plants at each stage, but I was curious as to how often you increase the amount of water given and by how much you increase when you do. I understand if you simply do everything intuitively, but are you increasing the amount watered daily, weekly, other? And do you increase by 50ml, 100ml, or 500ml+ when you do increase the amount given? Also, do you choose to water twice daily when the plants get larger or is it required? What I mean is could you give twice as much water once per day, or would that cause run-off which you like to avoid? I simply don't have the time to be in my garden twice a day, so I assume I'll be okay with the larger pots either way. Sorry for the long message, especially from a noob to the forum, but your youtube videos were so impressive I felt the need to inquire a little more.

Thanks man, jbmoviefan

Hay bro welcome to AFN, I've gone back to watering once a day now so your cool on that lol, in my set up the average auto will be watered about 1L every morning but their are a lot of variables so some plants will need less or more. I don't measure water but I increase the amount gradually as the plant grows bro.....hope this helps.
Sorry to bang on mate, interested in this question..
Can I ask about potting up and watering.
Once you pot up with Plagron Light Mix, roughly how much do you water the new pot before you pop your seed in ?
Sorry to bang on mate, interested in this question..
Can I ask about potting up and watering.
Once you pot up with Plagron Light Mix, roughly how much do you water the new pot before you pop your seed in ?

Just a splash.
Hi everybody thıs my fırst message :) this topic very imported for me else searching long time...ım confused for schduele...

this schduele for soil or for hydro ?

if soil how can ı use ? for exp: 5 sensı A + B + 5 ml voodoo + 5 ml carbolad for per LT ? Tang said every 12 hour must will be dry soil.? why ... anybody explaın me :S

I like this site..
He measures in a 5 litre container which equals a 1 ml per liter.