Dutch Passion TaNg's Masterkush & Dutch Cheese Grow.

superb growing all the way Tang, you must be be pleased with that little lot!
Day 98 harvest.

One thing i like about finding a thread very late on,being bit of a noob,is you can read a few pages, have a minute to soak up the info, then move on to the next page.I spent all day off and on reading the full thread and it's enjoyable, almost like a book, with a good ending.
Well done again:thread:mind you, having the right tools helps a lot. :slap: Your good.
:drool::drool:Nice job !!!


Just Insane... wow brother...fucking wow


One thing i like about finding a thread very late on,being bit of a noob,is you can read a few pages, have a minute to soak up the info, then move on to the next page.I spent all day off and on reading the full thread and it's enjoyable, almost like a book, with a good ending.
Well done again:thread:mind you, having the right tools helps a lot. :slap: Your good.

Thanks for the love guys.
One thing i like about finding a thread very late on,being bit of a noob,is you can read a few pages, have a minute to soak up the info, then move on to the next page.I spent all day off and on reading the full thread and it's enjoyable, almost like a book, with a good ending.
Well done again:thread:mind you, having the right tools helps a lot. :slap: Your good.
And we all like a happy ending :booya:
I've not been that active lately but been viewing all the pics on site daily, just love the way you make those pots look so small, nailing it bro