Dutch Passion TaNg's Masterkush & Dutch Cheese Grow.

Another awesome blog bro...:slap:

Cheers bro I'm just off to read it now with cuppa and a Da Buddha vape full of Masterkush and Dutch Cheese.
Can you post the total dried weight when you have it (or did I miss it)? I've noticed very few grows I've come across with LEDs use a scrog method. Considering LEDs limitations wouldn't yield be improved by this technique? Its seems ideal for LED with the flat canopy.
Can you post the total dried weight when you have it (or did I miss it)? I've noticed very few grows I've come across with LEDs use a scrog method. Considering LEDs limitations wouldn't yield be improved by this technique? Its seems ideal for LED with the flat canopy.

It was 446 gram mate,its a few pages back. What limitations do LEDs have :grin: