Friday frost.

Tang man i cant blieve i missed all of this grow im all caught up now though. This grow is amazing man i really cant wait to see what your light schedule tests turn out like, it will be really interesting i have read before from a few different grows that autos seem to do really well under 8/16 in flower.
Got another question for you man, really sorry for hounding you dude. I was looking at getting the same dehumidifier that you have in the corner of your tent. Just wondering how you fell about them? Its cheep enough and it says it does a 15m2 room.
I got bud rot on my last grow and i reckon it was because when lights went off the humidity went up alot over 65%. So i was thinking of putting one of these in the tent and using it when lights are off just to prevent any more bud rot or mould from happening.
Sorry for hi-jacking your thread dude, really amazing grow and of course im subbed for the rest this. Is that an air purifier you have in the room also?
beautiful mr tang! :Cushty: you guy's are hard to find. i just found this thread............your thread's are all over the forum:D:
those rebel's are spectacular. wish i still worked and had my old income back!:D: i bet i still have not found all the thread's yet. that i can learn from, like your's:smokebuds:
Tang man i cant blieve i missed all of this grow im all caught up now though. This grow is amazing man i really cant wait to see what your light schedule tests turn out like, it will be really interesting i have read before from a few different grows that autos seem to do really well under 8/16 in flower.
Got another question for you man, really sorry for hounding you dude. I was looking at getting the same dehumidifier that you have in the corner of your tent. Just wondering how you fell about them? Its cheep enough and it says it does a 15m2 room.
I got bud rot on my last grow and i reckon it was because when lights went off the humidity went up alot over 65%. So i was thinking of putting one of these in the tent and using it when lights are off just to prevent any more bud rot or mould from happening.
Sorry for hi-jacking your thread dude, really amazing grow and of course im subbed for the rest this. Is that an air purifier you have in the room also?

Dude ask all the questions you want that's what we are here for to get people growin the best bud possible lol. I use 2 of those small dehumidifiers in that room bro and the do the job great it's not been over 42% this grow.

beautiful mr tang! :Cushty: you guy's are hard to find. i just found this thread............your thread's are all over the forum:D:
those rebel's are spectacular. wish i still worked and had my old income back!:D: i bet i still have not found all the thread's yet. that i can learn from, like your's:smokebuds:

Thanks brother Astro but yourself and Briain didn't miss the thread it's been hiding in the private GN test section.
Looking awesome Tang! I'm really curious to see the final result. I have my eye on that rebel light and seeing your grow is making my wallet shiver :D:
Day 64.

These pretty girls are lovely and ripe now so I've started the final flush so they can come down on day 75.




So this is what you're using to blow up the Widows....certainly seems like a solid light there TaNg. Buds are bootiful.....
haha you are one lucky soul Tang :stylez rasta smoke: you must have your hands full at the minute bro :tiphat: