New Grower Sweet Seeds - First LED Run!

Lookin gr8 so far man

Thanks Hope2grow - cheers for looking in!

Been doing a bit of dismantling today - i'm expecting a replacement LED pod and power pack from Cidly next week to replace the faluty one in my unit. Gotta say that these units from Cidly are very well put together, there were loads of allen screws just holding the face plate on it took me 10 mins to get them all off! Everything inside is modular so very easy to build and take apart, and it all seems really solid- check it out:


Here is the faulty pod:


Whilst my Apollo 6 unit is waiting to be repaired i'm using my Apollo 4 unit in it's place. I was going to hold off busting this unit out until flowering time but needs must! When the plants go into full flower i'll introduce this unit alongside the Apollo 6 to give me more light.

The Apollo 4 unit has a slightly different spectrum of LEDs to the Apollo 6..... As follows: 7x 660nm, 3x 630nm, 2x 460nm, 2x 6500k, 1x 730nm. I asked Cidly to do the same case design as the Apollo 6, so both my units match each other in black & white (sad I know!).

Group shot:


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Wowie! Being a compulsive disassembler of all things techy haha, I can tell that's great quality there!
Wowie! Being a compulsive disassembler of all things techy haha, I can tell that's great quality there!

I was expecting to find cheap swag when I took the faceplate off but just look at the quality! Well worth the money for what they are.

Looking real nice bro, I've got to do the same with my MS0006 next week.

Has yours done the same thing Dazed? Has the MS0006 got 3 red LED indicator lights on the side panel near the switch to let you know if your power pack has failed?

Mine has these status lights on it and they are all still glowing so I'm guessing it's just the LED pod that's gone and not the power pack. Even if it is the power pack, Cidly are sending me a replacement for that as well so i'll be alright I think.

That's also comforting to hear they have good enough customer service to send out both items, whichever one it may be. I don't have a Cidly personally, but this alone (and those nice innards) speaks tons for the company. Enough for me to very strongly consider them when I finally upgrade from cheap chinese panels hahaa!
That's also comforting to hear they have good enough customer service to send out both items, whichever one it may be. I don't have a Cidly personally, but this alone (and those nice innards) speaks tons for the company. Enough for me to very strongly consider them when I finally upgrade from cheap chinese panels hahaa!

Yeah man, honestly I emailed the sales rep at about 7am when I woke up, I had a shower and checked my email 10 mins later I had a response from them asking if I would be able to fix the unit myself and if so, they would send the parts out ASAP. Really good customer serivce, I can't fault them at all!
Nuteburn, very nice presentation, worth to go through, not like mine showing only some pictures.

But I see some problems around.

I use Plagron LM, too. It is stable, so does not interfere with PH. What I see happening on your leaves are almost sure defficiencies due to too high PH. PH is rising after you put acids into feed and most probably there is something wrong about it. Or your meter is unaccurate or I do not know. Happened to me in exactly the same way time ago around day 15 modestly and later wildly. Reason was too high PH. You must resolve it without waiting. Problem comes from outside, Plagron does not cause such things. Plagron is wonderfull.

How do you know that LED module is fault? Do you see damage on it? When one LED module die, most probably power supply has gone and the secondone remains working. I am very afraid that will be your case.

On red pictures, there is something like aphids and their white shit. If yes, it is the right time to get rid of them.

You had been writing about slow growth, temps were a little too high (28C) and RH (51%) a little too low for seedlings and you loose a day or two.

Good Luck and start to resolve problems immediatelly, if not, defficiencies would soon lead into unrepairable damage.
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Lookin forward to seein how your lights perform bro.. had never heard of them tbh but im a noob so no surprise.. just had a nose at their web site.. good customer service is worth a lot!! Subbed for this one and the best of big giant bud luck to ya :cool:
Nuteburn, very nice presentation, worth to go through, not like mine showing only some pictures.

But I see some problems around.

I use Plagron LM, too. It is stable, so does not interfere with PH. What I see happening on your leaves are almost sure defficiencies due to too high PH. PH is rising after you put acids into feed and most probably there is something wrong about it. Or your meter is unaccurate or I do not know. Happened to me in exactly the same way time ago around day 15 modestly and later wildly. Reason was too high PH. You must resolve it without waiting. Problem comes from outside, Plagron does not cause such things. Plagron is wonderfull.

How do you know that LED module is fault? Do you see damage on it? When one LED module die, most probably power supply has gone and the secondone remains working. I am very afraid that will be your case.

On red pictures, there is something like aphids and their white shit. If yes, it is the right time to get rid of them.

You had been writing about slow growth, temps were a little too high (28C) and RH (51%) a little too low for seedlings and you loose a day or two.

Good Luck and start to resolve problems immediatelly, if not, defficiencies would soon lead into unrepairable damage.

Hi Gonzo thanks for looking through my diary, glad you like it. It's probably the most organised thing in my life haha!

I've just been and had a really good look for aphids but there are definitely none around. I think the white bits on the photos are just reflections. The yellowing has now stopped, i've started feeding them a little more and they seem to have got over whatever it was that was bothering them. I calibrated my PH meter twice and my readings are spot on, i first calibrated to PH 7, then to PH 4. My tap water was the same PH reading after both calibrations. My run off was PH 6.7 and feed solution going in is dead on PH 6.5.

As far as the LED goes, it has 3 indicator bulbs on the side panel, which tell you if there was a problem with the power pack etc - they are all still working and not blinking, so this is why I think the LED pod is defective. There is no visible damage on it as far as I can see. Cidly are sending me a new power pack as well as a new LED pod, so i'll have it fixed whatever the weather!! Good of them really! This shows the unit specs etc and explains the IDS system on my light:

Lookin forward to seein how your lights perform bro.. had never heard of them tbh but im a noob so no surprise.. just had a nose at their web site.. good customer service is worth a lot!! Subbed for this one and the best of big giant bud luck to ya :cool:

Thanks man, means a lot!

Day 21 today!

I jumped the gun saying they had both started showing sex, only one has so far. The other looks like she's ready to show me her bits tomorrow maybe. The feed has been upped to 1.4ml/l sensi grow a&b, 1ml voodoo juice and 1ml b-52. They look like they are both licking the lid of life and they absolutely love the temporary LED light, proper reaching up for it!! Still waiting for my replacement pod and power pack from Cidly, should be here soon.

Some pics from day 21 (sorry for the LED pics)


Tight structure on this one (red stems and branches too!)

More of an open structure on this one (not started flowering yet)

Comments welcome guys and gals!
