Naughty Step Holder
Man I love my hobby!
Always good to have a hobby you enjoy. Looking Good!!


Man I love my hobby!
Tough call...I'd be tempted to go HBSS![]()
Always good to have a hobby you enjoy. Looking Good!!
Whatever you decide...it would be fun to jump on the Mephisto StrainTrain while a bunch of folks are running their gear.
C'mon! You know you wanna......![]()
Sorted, is good! They look well into bud production, so they're likely using up some N from the leaves. As for the spots, if its cal/mg issue, its very early, so the upped cal mag should nix itDay 45
New fan and extractor fan arrived and have been installed. Temps down to a steady 28 celcius when lights on and 23 celcius when off. RH has dropped to a maximum of 59% and a new all-time low of 39%. Yesssss, finally sorted it!
Had a small mishap.... The new air movement fan fell off during the night and snapped a branch on the purple one!! It's still attached and it doesn't look like it's suffering. The branch just bent in half (like supercropping) so i've bent it back and propped it up. Seems ok.
Got a confession to make: I forgot to water last night so when I checked this morning both plants were drooping all over the place. I thought they had melted!! I gave them emergency feed solution and they have perked back up again, so no biggy.
Looks like some of the leaves (old and young) are starting to turn a lighter shade of green and some are starting to go a bit yellow. Not sure if this is because there's a problem, or if it's just the plants running their course? I doubt that they're hungry - they are both getting a lot in their feed solution.
Have a look:
And finally..... Noticed a couple of the lower leaves on the purple plant have a few small dead spots on the larger leaves, and are yellowing slightly - is this a cal/mag deficiency or something else? I've upped the dose of cal/mag in the feed as of today.
Sorted, is good! They look well into bud production, so they're likely using up some N from the leaves. As for the spots, if its cal/mg issue, its very early, so the upped cal mag should nix it
Looking good, NB!
My pleasure, BrotherWaximus!! Thanks for stopping in to have a look man! I thought the same as you about them using up some N from the leaves, I just thought it might be too early for this to be happening but I guess not. I keep forgetting how far along these girls are! Hopefully i've caught the cal mag issue early - i'll see how we go. Thanks for putting my mind at rest brother Waxi! Peace to you and yours!