Photoperiod Sweet Black Angel + KGB agent.

id be worried about damaging the humidifier by putting something other than just plain water in it.
theres some pics of some real frosty buds,so the older girls are doin ok.
good luck n keep er lit.
I dont see that girs are doing worse.. I think pesticide helped a little, But know I'm in doubt should I feed them or give them molases once more?? I think I will give them just molases one more time and then next time feeding with only 50% of strenth..
I watered unknown girl tonight but I niticed that she isnt fattening at all,but calix are turning brow,on SBA It look like I'm having same problem from last grow on two girls calix are not swalening,before I tout it was due to het but now tent temps are 28c max and I dont think that is the problem now.I checked my pc grow log and it seems they are in their 6th week ... But again I read pesticide can cause pistils go brown..And yes I went with my humidifier idea.. :) IMG_20170919_232909_HDR.jpg
Girl havent shown any side.effect of my humidifier experiment.. And buds are looking good and Im hoping they will fatten up..but...
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Time to do little update.l.This time without pictures.. Looking at my grow calendar i realized that they entered in their 7th week of blooming as they are everywhere described as 8 week strain I decided to feed them but..
First i gave them all just plain water of course ph'ed water, and then i gave them just 50% of nutes .. I'm planing to feed them just once more and then put them on plain water..I hope they will be done in 10th week of flowering..
And I'm planing one more pest humidifying action this week, and next week.. @Dudeski D worry my brother humidifier is f** 'ed because of my hard tap water.. two of four look like they even swollen a Little so there Is still a hope I will get some decent smoke..Ohh weed Lord I'm praying to you !!!! My bottom new leafs( I guess) looking fine... Or should I say much better than upper ones.. I must google is that ok.. :D Too much smoking.. I forget everything..
I have neglected my forum activities a little, but I will nevet ever (except freedom wise) adanfon my grow..I suck ay growing but I master at smoking..And I adore smoking my own weed,doesnt matter how mediocre it is..
i just been through a period of neglecting the garden.motivation or lack of motivation,gardener to stoner ratio not in balance.
for no reason other than i wanted to smoke more than i wanted to do gardening.
like you say some leaves are looking a bit poorly,but with all that they had to put up with they still hanging in there.the buds are looking rather good to me,with a couple of weeks still to go could be in for a better than expected harvest.
keep er lit.
I dont think that I neglected my garden, but again what is taking care of garden vs neglecting it? I mean I check them daily (thats the main reason I grow at home,to have them constantly eyes),feeding,watering them and rrying to keep temp in normal range 26-28c..Thank god for cold weather.. My biggest concern is cal mag def,coz i dont get why, I didnt neglect feeding them with mollases but again I didnt feed them too much with molases, I tout that 2x straight watering with molases will correct that but It aint,at least not that much that will satisfied with me,hell I know I have still a lot to.learn,coz last two non troubled grows gaved me false feel of security and knowwledge,ohh boy did I get it butthurt.. Second big concern is non fattening of buds,calix arent swolening, at least some of them,that Jane Doe girl that i LST and later pruned heavy is looking (weight size) like she is in her 1 week of flower ,bud she has frost and brown hairs... Maybe my pruning plus thrips were too much..I dont know..