Photoperiod Purple Train Wreck / Sweet Black Angel

Lovely isn't she pal true definition of fast and hard hitting weed, nicely grown get ready to enjoy this one :d5:

This is my last 6g and i really enjoyed it, cured with a floral taste and spicy hash smell and while it lasts is my goto nighttime smoke as it has got more and more sleepy the longer it cured. Strong in both mind and body with great anti anxiety effects and highly increased audio perception great for listening to trippy tunes, but as she cures will put you on your ass as you feel the weight on your eyelids calling for a bed.

Slow burner and great hash return is about all i can think of now in yet another stoned ramble.

It wasnt my favorite wed from first growing with fast and vast but they gave AvT shitloads as freebie, so Why wouldn't I grow it some more.. It is very very fast strain...Stinky and sticky as hell. But I cant say that she put me to sleep..And I smoke 85% pure weed joint (we EU people like to mix it with tobacco)(we are Original JEWS..:) ) ,but again I Always mix my harvest weed and never know what is what.. :) I must say that I cut some blues cheese and critical samples, they are too more potent that sweet black angel and purple train wreck.. and its all milky clear wtf?
I noticed that SHe's got tendency to get purple like when she is maturing.. It doesn't shows very good on pics, that color..For now sour crinkle is my top meph weed..
I have some artisans but dont have place top grow..I'm going maaad..
Great harvest @CoviklaFlaire :thumbsup: and that's some pretty banging AvT right there @Spanglish :bow:.

it isnt really I cut top colas/buds to get more light to lower ones, I must move them again in day or two, on fckn attic, its fckn hell out there.. you can cook a meal on my attic.. :(
I even plant some tomatoes on my balcony , all in honor of not growing weed.. :( fck sake-..

@Spanglish I smoke so much It will not make to curing more than a month..
I love your journals man, your sense of humor cracks me up. Then u drop a Gucci man track out of no where... love it !
I have a few ideas for you to consider that could help you keep growing in your attic.
First off, have you tried Silica? It can REALLY help your plant fight the heat ! Interestingly, it's one of the earths most abundant elements, so it's easy to get and affordable.
Second, growing in a Mylar tent is fantastic, even in an attic, because Mylar doesn't let heat in, or out, as you likely know.
If I were you - (sometimes I want to be) - (imagine.... all those foreign women) lmao -
I would do two things. First, even though your light's air cooled, it's still putting off ambient heat, and heat rises, so - cool air intake low, hot air outtake high. I'd put that carbon can up on the ceiling, pull that hotter air out.
Second, if it's impractical to air condition your attic, maybe attach an improvised air conditioner for your cool air intake ?
Check out this video for an example. Instead of the giant block of ice, u might consider using two or three gallon jugs of frozen water. Or Glycerin- that would take even longer to thaw ! Just a few ideas to keep you growing..... hopefully they're worth a shit.
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Thanks dude from browsing thru my journal and replying it..:bow::bighug:
Hell I know that i'm under average grower, so at least can have some fun with my flaws,:haha::haha:
and due to gucci mane I'm looong time fan of him :pighug::bow:, at least until he vent home from jail than he become faggish.. :nono::nono:

The thing with my attic is its a huuuge, and and it's hard to describe but I share it with my neighbors and wooden fence is only thing that separates us (it's a Balkan thing :eyebrows: ) ,and I have to keep it a secret-..
Plus it's non insulated and temps are really horrible out there.. yes I used rhino skins in two summer grows..:) I even have to keep my going there a secret so it's to much hassle and trouble for really questionable result..
But I Admire your Will To help me.. And yes I dont live there so it's another con.. I really like that diy AC unit..

this girls are pretty much average..But Google Brac..
