I dont think that I neglected my garden, but again what is taking care of garden vs neglecting it? I mean I check them daily (thats the main reason I grow at home,to have them constantly on.my eyes),feeding,watering them and rrying to keep temp in normal range 26-28c..Thank god for cold weather.. My biggest concern is cal mag def,coz i dont get why, I didnt neglect feeding them with mollases but again I didnt feed them too much with molases, I tout that 2x straight watering with molases will correct that but It aint,at least not that much that will satisfied with me,hell I know I have still a lot to.learn,coz last two non troubled grows gaved me false feel of security and knowwledge,ohh boy did I get it butthurt.. Second big concern is non fattening of buds,calix arent swolening, at least some of them,that Jane Doe girl that i LST and later pruned heavy is looking (weight size) like she is in her 1 week of flower ,bud she has frost and brown hairs... Maybe my pruning plus thrips were too much..I dont know..