Photoperiod Sweet Black Angel + KGB agent.

I dont think that I neglected my garden, but again what is taking care of garden vs neglecting it? I mean I check them daily (thats the main reason I grow at home,to have them constantly eyes),feeding,watering them and rrying to keep temp in normal range 26-28c..Thank god for cold weather.. My biggest concern is cal mag def,coz i dont get why, I didnt neglect feeding them with mollases but again I didnt feed them too much with molases, I tout that 2x straight watering with molases will correct that but It aint,at least not that much that will satisfied with me,hell I know I have still a lot to.learn,coz last two non troubled grows gaved me false feel of security and knowwledge,ohh boy did I get it butthurt.. Second big concern is non fattening of buds,calix arent swolening, at least some of them,that Jane Doe girl that i LST and later pruned heavy is looking (weight size) like she is in her 1 week of flower ,bud she has frost and brown hairs... Maybe my pruning plus thrips were too much..I dont know..
9/10 times when I have an issue, it's because I can't keep it in the pants in the garden and over do it on some dumb shit. I'd say you're doing just fine!
Uhhh dont let me started.. My smartest idea was combining frying oli with pesticide mixed in water an sprayed on girls.. Leafs went from green to black in matter of days,and dried/died off. Buds were unsmokeable,I even did a Water curing . no help.. I had white flies then .. And yes @Dudeski my humidifier is dead.. :)
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Picture dont serve them goos,they look better in person,And I dont know why or how I can get normal pictures..It was all good untill last upgrade of Android.. Leafs are pretty horror but it seems that they are fattening up, and I hope that it will be good smoke..

I will try to take better pics next time I water them.. But first I have to check thrichomes..I'm chasing at least 20% ambeer..
Like I haven't enough shit with this grow ,woo hoo hoo bud rot, It seems to me that I didn't wash up good enough my tent after pre previous grow.. Its right upper corner where I guess spores are hidden, coz this ,grow before and grow before that (when I first had bud rot issue) always was starting with girl it that corner...I'm planing to wash it with duck or domestos for bathroom, Do any of you have some smarter solution??
And yes I can wash walls of tent , but what with filter or air extractor??